
  1. Eman

    Special shout out

    To everyone that commented in my thread after my accident and to @Jinko @Thor @GRIM for checking in with me everyday even when I didn’t respond. That’s good people right there thank you all Monday I’m going to go back in the gym start real light as I’m not sure my hand is ready for a lot of...
  2. LittleTom

    Resigning as MOD

    Title says it all. Not enough time to hang out and not just gonna throw up pointless shit.
  3. millenium girl

    Ajdos passed away

    If you guys have been around for years like I am, you must know AJ aka Ajdos. He was a very knowledgeable bodybuilder who was a co founder of ORS with our Grim. He was only 42 and had a heart attack. R.I.P. big guy, you will be missed :(
  4. TSizemore

    I don't want to hear any excuses!

    If he can do it.......you can to!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H5o4gB0_ols&feature=player_embedded#t=152s