
  1. BigKev

    Cortisol and gh

    What can I do to help with visceral adipose tissue? I've heard that cortisol plays a big role and that gh can help a great deal with that. Starting 3iu every night for at least the next 6 months. What else can I add to help?
  2. Inhuman2024

    My s23 run

    I am running s23 at 35mg a day split in 2 even doses morning n night. I am also running test e at 300mg a week. Started yesterday and the taste is pretty rough. Muscles feel tight.
  3. Torres

    Pine Bark Extract !!

    I ordered and have been taking this Supplement for about 3 days now. I stumbled across it while reading on Supplements that could help boost the immune system, which from reading on the benefits of it, It saids that it Will help. But it can also help with Brain Function, Inflammation, Blood...
  4. GRIM

    What im currently on..

    Test E 750 mg a week EQ 900 Mg a week Mast E gonna start but low end prob 600 mg a week DNP to help cut this last bit of flab off 200mg a day Plan to start SD inject and tren A mix possibly all depending.. 3.3 IU gh a day 200 mcg T4 Anti E as needed This is meant just to help me cut more stay...
  5. R2D2

    i think i met a new princess, bros

    we are going out to lunch next week and have been talking daily. she is in recovery like me, only about 4 months clean/sober. i will probably catch flack for dating her, but it feels right. i had no intentions of dating anyone else in recovery, especially a relative newcomer, but it just...
  6. R

    call for help

    Hey everyone this is rage. Some of you know me some dont. Im calling on all my iron brothers for a little help. Im on self administered hrt. I have used up my natural production of test. I HAVE HAD ALOT OF BULL S... happen to me of late and im in a bad situation. I have run out of gear and I...
  7. Torres

    Peptides Help !!!

    Hey bros, I have a question about peptides !!! First off I have to say that this time around is my 2nd time using peptides. Basically GHRP 6 and CJC no Dac !!! I have to say that it makes me feel better, makes my hunger go thru the roof, and gives me all around well being. But I've heard that...
  8. H

    help please

    Alright so I have a friend. He is 21yo. 5`9`` 220lbs. He has a goal of 190lbs. He has done insanity for a while,but wants to do more of the weight and circuit training using his own body weight. Pushups pull ups plyometrics. That sort of thing. I am not real good in this area. So I am calling on...