
  1. EG News

    Can Fasting be Done Year Round? Here are the Pros and Cons

    As temperatures begin to drop, many of us will be reaching for warming comfort foods and wondering whether fasting is really appropriate during times where our bodies may need more fuel for energy. With this in mind, M&F talked to Steve Hendricks, author of “The Oldest Cure in the World...
  2. EG News

    When and How Long Should You Fast For (and Does Age Matter)?

    As science continues to investigate the role that fasting plays on healing our bodies and balancing our bodyweight, it seems ever more likely that putting a timed restriction on our calorie intake has the potential to lower blood pressure and protect us against the aging process. But, with so...
  3. 49ER

    GSP Hendrix fight

    Anyone watch it? First off I could have swore Hendrix was tapping first round. At the end Hendrix was fucken robbed he beat the shit out of GSP I mean he put a ass whoopimg on him lol that shit was politics I was shocked GSP won that fight and so did over 100 people at the restaurant I watched...