
  1. 01dragonslayer

    Why Lie? No One Will Believe You!

    by Christian Duque If you’re a natty, whether a lifelong natty or a natty for any measurable period of time – I totally understand defending your natural status. If you’re willing to submit to a real blood or urine test and you’re not going to cheat, then so be it. If on the other hand you...
  2. S

    Crazy Cut Cycle

    Cycling Tren a @556 per wk Tp @ 525 per wk Mast P @ 350 per wk 1 Andro Topical @ 1500 per wk and 4 Andro Topical @ 2400 per wk Sermorelin 300mcgs per day with Hexarelin as of late 200 mcgs per day Anabolics from Snake and Honest. Aromasin or arimistane as needed. Using Rich Piania Organ...
  3. Eman

    Honest Pharma Test D Results

    Honest Pharmaceuticals Testosterone D 250mg/ml This sample was sent to me by @Dustined83 he ordered Test D they came labeled as sustanon 250 Honest contacted member and said the wrong labels were placed on vials and it was in fact what he ordered Test D and sent him new Test D labels to place...
  4. Eman

    Honest Pharma Letro

    @Liv2pb provided letro for test. Letro was thought to be bunk testing shows otherwise Honest Pharma Letrozole 2.5mg tab
  5. Welcome Bro

    Welcome, honest

    Welcome to Enhance Genetics, @honest.
  6. J


    Well its me JDB3, MOD for BOP....I was Rhino for a day....I was going to take over part of the business. This guy was golden...or so we thought, I bought new laptops, opened GD accounts, Vanilla accounts, programmed phones for proxy and countermail, bought throw away phones and of course sent...