
  1. EG News

    NPC Physique Champ Eric Dubas Shares the Cardio Boost That Led Him to Success

    Eric Dubas just claimed a haul of medals at the NPC Valley of the Sun Championships in Arizona, but the 39-year-old credits an unusual form of cardio for helping him gain an advantage over his fellow competitors. In a post-win chat with M&F’s Chief Content Officer, Zack Zeigler, Dubas says that...
  2. puff88

    How do you store your "stash"?

    I'm not talking about the goodies you plan on using in your current cycle, I am referring to those of us who like to stock up on a few years worth of goods to have on hand "just in case". Be it vials or orals, how do you store your long term goods to assure they last and hold potency? I've been...
  3. Dago

    Kentucky wildcat

  4. F.I.S.T.

    While us fixates on kavanaugh, house passes $3.8 trillion in tax cuts

    While US Fixates On Kavanaugh, House Passes $3.8 Trillion In Tax Cuts By: Riva Mendoza |@NeonNettle on 30th September 2018 As the United States and the world had its full attention on the Kavanaugh confirmation hearings, the U.S. House of Representatives passed a massive $3.1 trillion tax cut...
  5. lith56bigguy

    How is everyone? i see some vets and some newbies in here. i have always loved this board

    Just checking in to see how everyone is. Im in a new job, new state, new house. All is going well aside from my back injury. Training moderately..
  6. F.I.S.T.

    White House logs show Obama talked to the Russians and Iranian regime advocates…

    White House logs show Obama talked to the Russians and Iranian regime advocates… no outcry from the media for 8 years By: JD Heyes Date: March 06, 2017 As the Deep State and their sycophantic allies in discredited fake news media continue wailing and tossing about all sorts of unsubstantiated...
  7. blasson

    Fire ants.. any pest control people here?

    I been having terrible weather here lately the past few weeks and my wife noticed a few ants on the carpet in our bedroom while I was away for work.. told her to vacuum it up thinking maybe they were roaming from outside to get dry land until the ground dried up then they'd be on their way...
  8. dirtyjoe8605

    Has anyone else been having trouble getting gh international?

    I've got this bad ass cycle all mapped out. Well I get good gh for low cost. I actually just got it seized for the 3rd time at 2 different addresses. They told me to send to another state. I got family n another state an they will domestically send me my goods if it passes customs that way. This...
  9. W

    Need Advice immidiately

    So, fellas....long story short. Me and my now EX-Fiance were in the middle of break up. I come home to her drunk ass accusing me of cheating. She tries to kick me out the house which has my name on the lease as well so, I of course, do not comply. So she then starts fucking me up. I had to use...
  10. Paulrockr

    I hate people

    Whens the last time you got to throttle someone? (Not you Rock)...last job of a very smooth day, some guy next door to the customers house I was at comes out yelling and cussing at me about how he cant get his mail cuz his mail carrier is a lazy bitch... move your fucking truck ... he says. Me...
  11. Walker


    Lately I've really been slipping on the gym front. Ever since my last cycle I just can't seem to stay focused on much. I blame several factors. My gym of the last three years closed recently and not fitting in at my current spot which is a brand new anytime fitness. Also most of the guys I...
  12. F

    ~ “Aaaaeeeyyy!” Fonz is in the house.

    Mad props to Smoove for inviting me. Im 40 been working out on and off since my 20s. Been hard at the last 4 or 5 years. Not trying to compete just trying to look good as i age. Did a couple of cycles in my mid to late 20s. Started back 3 or 4 years ago. I am a recovering addict. Look forward...