
  1. Jhitman9

    Site injecting for healing?

    So recently I stacked TB 500 & BPC 157 to heal my elbow. I site injected the top and bottom of my elbow everyday. It healed me within three weeks. I’m curious to know if site injecting GH would also work just as well? Considering I arm wrestle professionally I’ll be needing the healing process...
  2. 01dragonslayer

    10 Combo Exercises That Aren't Stupid

    Combination exercises have a bad reputation among serious lifters, but not all of them suck. The good ones hit more muscles, make you train at a higher heart rate, and force you to expend more calories. WHY MOST COMBOS DON'T WORK Think of the lunge with a bicep curl: a popular combination...
  3. Bighekt

    Lowering Elevated LDL

    Anyone on here have any good tips on dropping down elevated LDL without medication? I know getting off gear, dropping red meats and fats helps. As well as adding fiber. Any other recommendations?
  4. halfnatty

    anxiety and depression

    what does everyone take or do to fight these two other then anti depressants or hard drugs. For me having zero media and actually meditation seems to work very good. been looking for supplements but nothing really works well. I suffer from anxiety alot lol
  5. sityslicker1

    Best brand of TUDCA?

    So im about to run some sdrol 15mg daily for 4 weeks if I make it that long. I want to minimize liver damage as much as possible. I havent used orals or liver support in ages, so im somewhat out of the loop. Is TUDCA still the best there is for liver support? If it is, can please get some...
  6. 01dragonslayer


    WHY EVERY ATHLETE SHOULD USE TUDCA PART 2 SUPPLEMENTS Normally, athletes ingest TUDCA simply for those liver benefits it possesses, but little credit is ever given to its interactions with skeletal muscle, adipose tissue, and glucose metabolism. One of my more favorite TUDCA studies actually...
  7. R2D2

    I am running a strange cycle

    300 mg wk test c (switching to e soon), 300 mg wk deca, 50 mg day anavar. I'm basically trying to build up some collagen in my joints to help with my injuries. may add hgh too, but haven't decided yet. i'm not sure if i'm bulking or cutting as i'm still kind of doing intermittent fasting but...
  8. Lancer55

    chloroquine/hydroxy chloroquine dosage for covid

    Anyone know what the dosage for someone that has covid should be? My dad may have caught it. I bought some stuff a ways back to have on hand and left it at his house a year ago. We just don’t know how much he should take. Also have Z-paks and Zinc if anyone knows the dosage for those.
  9. Durro

    Watch Live 2020 Europa Pro

  10. Thor

    Motivation For The FREAKS!!

  11. 01dragonslayer

    Your Favorite Bodybuilding Physiques....

    Who would you say are your favorite Bodybuilder physiques ever? Here are my top 5.... 1. Frank Zane 2. Arnold Schwarzenegger 3. Shawn Ray 4. Flex Wheeler 5. Mike Mentzer ....all of mind are old school guys. 1.... 2.... 3.... 4.... 5....
  12. J

    Meat and Seafood Delivery

    Came across a few good companies for delivering high quality meat and seafood. Helps save you trip to grocery store.
  13. 01dragonslayer

    Quarantine memes.......

  14. 01dragonslayer

    Importance of Water

    Sometimes it's easy to get caught up in whatever you're doing and forget to drink enough water throughout the day. But also for your home-workouts, drinking enough water around your training sessions is important! - One research review suggests that athletes should prevent fluid loss of more...
  15. Torres

    Lower Cholesterol ?!?

    I did blood work and Dr. saids that cholesterol is higher than she would like it to be. Before I go on Statins, which is what she wants me to do, what natural supplements are good for lowering cholesterol?? Fiber ???
  16. GRIM


    Ok this is an in the works sticky. Bro Eman is willing to get gear tested we are looking for funds to help him out Few ways include Free Bitcoin methods Ill update more ways later Method #1 Simply sign up and INSTALL/Login to I personally use this, use the...
  17. EG News

    2019 arnold classic call out report

    [Unable to locally host - Direct Link 4 Security]: Click on a division below to find out which competitors are...
  18. luckyluke

    Hydronics h2o?

    anyone have any experience or feedback with this. Sounds interesting if true but seems like some various input. Just trying to get others thoughts. HYDRONICS H20 Some reviews: View: View: View:
  19. GRIM

    Testing flattards

  20. GRIM

    Getting rid of yo man boobs
