
  1. 01dragonslayer

    This Common Pain Pill Attacks the Testicles

    Better think twice about that stuff you take for pain relief. It makes your testicles act like they're 90 years old. Athletes sometimes have weird endocrine profiles (low testosterone levels, messed up testosterone-to-luteinizing hormone ratios, etc.). The preferred pain reliever of most...
  2. S

    Ibuprofen Usage

    Just seeing if anyone uses ibuprofen on a daily basis. I have a cervical spine issue but hate using ibuprofen. Worry about my liver.
  3. F.I.S.T.

    Did you know about these natural, highly effective substitutes for ibuprofen?

    Did you know about these natural, highly effective substitutes for ibuprofen? Thursday, November 03, 2016 by: Isabelle Z. (NaturalNews) No one enjoys dealing with pain, whether it's something mild like minor back pain or something much more intense like an excruciating migraine. However, many...