
  1. Bighekt

    SS S-23

    My review on S-23 from SS. I'll start off by saying I've never really ran an actual SARM till now. I'm not really a fan but I gave it a chance. So far ive been on for 3 weeks around 25mg ed, (also taking 375 test cyp). This stuff is great, I've been losing track of time while at the gym...
  2. Dustined83

    Blend question

    Would a test e 250 and deca 20o blend hold with 2%/20% if anyone has ever tried? Thanks
  3. F.I.S.T.


    Going to be going away ona business,pleasure trip and will be gone for at least a few days and not sure if i'll have time to log on.So in case I can't,you guys hold down the fort and keep those posts going. Calm down,calm down everyone,i'll be back.I know you were all ready to panic. I could...
  4. TSizemore

    TSize, RockShawn, JuicyJay.....contest Prep

    Don't give me any Shit Juicy......Post you pics!!! :P Rock's making me post mine :-X This is me T-12 weeks out from show. Not sure where I'll be coming in at, hopefully as heavy as possible. Right now, I've cut down to 177lbs. I just added Tren A in (week 12, 100mg eod) on top of Prop...