
  1. 01dragonslayer

    Vasoactive Intestinal Peptide (VIP) Guide

    Have you ever had a bad stomach ache or problems digesting any food you have eaten? If the answer is yes, then it’s possible that your gut health may have been compromised. This could be either due to the ingestion of a bacteria or a disturbed internal physiological balance! One peptide that...
  2. 01dragonslayer

    11 Foods and Supplements that Boost Immune Health Naturally

    Chances are you're aware that the immune system is crucial for overall wellness, especially during times of the year when allergies, viruses, and bacterial infections are at their peak. However, you might not know that the integrity and function of the immune system can be significantly altered...
  3. 01dragonslayer

    11 Foods and Supplements that Boost Immune Health Naturally

    Chances are you're aware that the immune system is crucial for overall wellness, especially during times of the year when allergies, viruses, and bacterial infections are at their peak. However, you might not know that the integrity and function of the immune system can be significantly altered...
  4. 01dragonslayer

    Is Your Breakfast Undermining Your Immune Health?

    by Perri O. Blumberg “You are what you eat” isn’t just catchy; it’s true. Indeed, a large body of research links what we eat with our health. From our cardiovascular to our mood, the food we consume impacts us in countless ways—including our immunity. “Nutrition is an important way to build your...
  5. 01dragonslayer

    A Lesser-Known Health Benefit Of Whey Protein: Immune Support

    by Lauren Del Turco, CPT These days, there’s lots of talk about how we can naturally support our immune systems. And while the conversation usually centers around major players like vitamin C and vitamin D, your sports stack might actually offer some overlooked immune-health powerhouses. Turns...
  6. 01dragonslayer

    Immune Defense — Prepare for the Cold Season NOW!

    Whether it’s cold season, flu season, or whatever nasty pathogen that decides to infiltrate your system, immune defense needs to be prioritized. Why? Well, the answer is simple — no one wants to get sick. I’m not sure of anyone who wakes up and says, “Today seems like a great day to get sick.”...
  7. 01dragonslayer

    Quick Tip on "Test Flu"

    First, what is “Test Flu”? It is not an official diagnosis that a physician would label, but a term that is associated with the flu because of the similarity of symptoms. The symptoms have a rapid onset. Often starts with the onset of low grade fever, headache, fatigue, and body aches. Not in...
  8. 01dragonslayer

    3 Ways to Fight the Deadly Cytokine Storm

    What Is A Cytokine Storm? Cytokine Storm is a severe, life-threatening reaction to infections and diseases that can damage the lungs, causing pneumonia, respiratory failure and even death. Recent research has shown that Cytokine Storm can also damage other organs in the body, including the...
  9. 01dragonslayer


    How it works The secret to how L-Glutathione works is the sulfur chemical group that it brings to the body. Imagine sulfur as a sticky filter that traps the toxins we are exposed to on a daily basis, from mercury to other heavy metals. The good news is that L-Glutathione is recycled in the body...
  10. EG News

    Running Linked to Stronger Bones and Immune System

    Millions of people already choose running as their preferred form of exercise, owed to a vast array of mental and physical health benefits, but new research has added more reasons to lace up your sneakers. In addition to burning fat, lowering stress, and improving stamina, running has now been...
  11. 01dragonslayer

    Androgens, Estrogens, and The Immune Response

    Here is the answer people by Nandi12. Androgens, Estrogens, and The Immune Response I posted this reply recently on another board to the question "Do androgens suppress or stimulate the immune system" It's really not quite correct to say androgens suppress or stimulate the immune system. It is...
  12. EG News

    10 Superfoods to Eat During Cold and Flu Season

    The gym is a breeding ground for germs, especially during cold and flu season. Everyone is sneezing, blowing their nose, and then touching gym equipment. Where’s the gym etiquette of wiping your hands clean, not just the equipment? Not to mention there’s now the coronavirus to worry about—your...
  13. halfnatty

    What do you take to keep your immune system strong

    I got the flu and felt like I was on my death bed lol
  14. GRIM

    Immune system

    Looking for ways to boost immune system
  15. F.I.S.T.

    Bullet proof immune system - how to not get a cold ever

    Bullet proof immune system - how to not get a cold ever Monday, September 29, 2014 by: Michael Edwards (NaturalNews) You don't have to catch the next flu. With the right combination of supplements, in most cases, you can knock out, or radically lesson the severity of an infection. If an...
  16. F.I.S.T.

    The Fear of a Simple Fever

    The Fear of a Simple Fever Posted on: Thursday, March 24th 2016 Written By:Rishma Parpia Often, a fever indicates a reaction by your child's immune system when fighting infection. Is a fever always a cause for concern, or is it better to let nature run its course? If your child has a low...
  17. F.I.S.T.

    Bifidobacteria Probiotics Fight Colds and Flu Infections

    Bifidobacteria Probiotics Fight Colds and Flu Infections Posted on: Wednesday, September 30th 2015 Written By: Case Adams, Naturopath It's back to school, and every new school year brings new cold and flu viral infections. Learn how certain bifidobacteria fight off and reduce colds and flu...
  18. F.I.S.T.

    5 Sure-Fire Ways to Beat the Flu

    5 Sure-Fire Ways to Beat the Flu Posted on: Friday, October 9th 2015 Written By: Valerie Burke, MSN With flu season rapidly approaching, recommendations for preventatives are everywhere but many are not backed up by science. Can you guess the top five? (Hint: vaccination is not one of them!)...
  19. F.I.S.T.

    Watch as amazing GcMAF treatment kills cancer cells in real time... holistic doc

    Watch as amazing GcMAF treatment kills cancer cells in real time... holistic doctors 'suicided' over this stunning breakthrough Friday, August 28, 2015 by: Ethan A. Huff, (NaturalNews) A breakthrough cancer treatment appears to be the reason why a handful of holistic doctors were recently...
  20. F.I.S.T.

    AAS and Immune System - Not all AAS are Immunosuppressive, but why?

    Had this sent to me and read through it and thought it had some great info that I wanted to pass along and see what you guys think...... AAS and Immune System - Not all AAS are Immunosuppressive, but why? Hey Guys, There's a lot, sorry if it's too long for some of you. Hopefully by now...