
  1. Inhuman2024

    Test e 300

    Alright so i get 5 bottles of AAS from a trusted source. I go through 3 bottles already no problem. Now i crack open a bottle of test e 300. 1 of the other bottles ive used has been test e 300 no problem. I did 1/2 ml fri. In shoulder. Swole up red painful. Tues. Do another 1/2 ml. In glutes...
  2. EG News

    Man develops life-threatening skull infection from cleaning ears with cotton swab

    [Unable to locally host - Direct Link 4 Security]: PeopleImages / Getty There's plenty of evidence out there that...
  3. F.I.S.T.

    Bullet proof immune system - how to not get a cold ever

    Bullet proof immune system - how to not get a cold ever Monday, September 29, 2014 by: Michael Edwards (NaturalNews) You don't have to catch the next flu. With the right combination of supplements, in most cases, you can knock out, or radically lesson the severity of an infection. If an...
  4. MattyIce

    Got out of the hospital today after 1 week

    Ive been very sick lately...for 2-3 months in and out of the hospital. They told me I had cancer, pancreatitis, cycsts on my liver... I thought I was going to die. It turns out 1 doctor said, I have a prostate and bladder infection. She gave me antibiotics and 2 days later I feel 1000% better...
  5. GRIM

    Eat tilapia? Read this

    Tilapia likely source of Washington woman's flesh-eating bacteria infection, officials say | Fox News Seattle health officials are zeroing in on a Bellevue fish market after an unidentified woman contracted a deadly bacterial infection while preparing tilapia. Seattle and King County Public...
  6. ElChango

    Scalp infection damn this looks painful man.
  7. RS50

    7 new infections in Michigan from steroids Massachusetts pharmaceutical company
  8. dowork


    One of my bros, a member of our community at large, has been diagnosed with Guillain–Barré syndrome. Anyone know anything about this. In a matter of a day he went from a tingling sensation to paralyzed and can't walk. Currently in the ICU. Docs haven't offered up much of a prognosis yet.