
  1. 01dragonslayer

    Anti-Inflammatory Foods Beat Death

    A lousy diet and lack of exercise increases the body’s production of inflammatory proteins, namely CRP and interleukin-6, and drastically reduce life span. Discoveries coming out of the Mossakowski Medical Research Centre in Poland shed light on the powerful effects of a diet high in...
  2. EG News

    Revolutionizing Multiple Sclerosis Treatment: The Potential of Placental MSC Exosomes

    Multiple Sclerosis (MS) stands as one of the most prevalent and debilitating neurological conditions worldwide, affecting over 2.3 million individuals globally. Characterized by chronic inflammation and progressive neurodegeneration, MS presents in diverse forms and severity, significantly...
  3. 01dragonslayer


    Until recently, no one truly understood inflammation – what it is, its role in healing, its newly discovered role in muscle growth, and how and when and if to treat it. The standard protocol was as follows: Any time you injured yourself – from a cut finger, a bruised leg, or pair of...
  4. 01dragonslayer

    Oxidative Stress and Inflammation: Misunderstood Health Concepts

    Oxidative stress and inflammation are putative causes of chronic diseases, especially "new-age" conditions like inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), cardiovascular disease, type-2 diabetes, Alzheimer's disease, and various forms of cancer [1]. While they are problematic if left unmitigated...
  5. 01dragonslayer


    THE ONLY WAY TO COMBAT THE INFLAMMATION EPIDEMIC If you trawl through medical data long enough and hard enough, you might begin to suspect that inflammation is the cause of virtually all disease. Asthma, several types of cancer, bone health, diabetes, autoimmune diseases, heart disease, eczema...
  6. 01dragonslayer

    MOTS-c helps reduce inflammation caused by bacterial and viral infections.

    Role of Anti-Inflammatory Mitokines in Aging: Mitochondria, immunosenescence and inflammaging: a role for mitokines? "A global reshaping of the immune responses occurs with ageing, indicated as immunosenescence, where mitochondria and mitochondrial metabolism play an important role. However...
  7. 01dragonslayer

    3 Ways to Fight the Deadly Cytokine Storm

    What Is A Cytokine Storm? Cytokine Storm is a severe, life-threatening reaction to infections and diseases that can damage the lungs, causing pneumonia, respiratory failure and even death. Recent research has shown that Cytokine Storm can also damage other organs in the body, including the...
  8. 01dragonslayer

    How to Reduce Inflammation With These Foods and Supplements

    Normally, short-term inflammation is a natural process that plays an important role in healing and cellular repair when you’re injured or sick. However, it can also be bad, very bad, depending on the cause and duration. This is known as chronic low-key inflammation, and plays an integrative...
  9. 01dragonslayer

    How to Reduce Inflammation With These Foods and Supplements

    Normally, short-term inflammation is a natural process that plays an important role in healing and cellular repair when you’re injured or sick. However, it can also be bad, very bad, depending on the cause and duration. This is known as chronic low-key inflammation, and plays an integrative...
  10. EG News

    Here Are Some Possible Triggers (and Solutions) to Your Inflammation

    Inflammation has been a buzzword for quite some time now, and headlines link it to all sorts of health complications. But what is it? Where does it come from and how can we keep it at bay? And if you regularly follow health news you most likely see stories about which foods may cause or reduce...
  11. 01dragonslayer

    How to Reduce Inflammation With These Foods and Supplements

    Normally, short-term inflammation is a natural process that plays an important role in healing and cellular repair when you’re injured or sick. However, it can also be bad, very bad, depending on the cause and duration. This is known as chronic low-key inflammation, and plays an integrative role...
  12. EG News

    Does cbd oil actually work?

    Claudia Weingart / EyeEm / Getty There is plenty of press around the benefits of CBD, but for every positive news clip, there’s a doubter ready to throw cold water on this so-called miracle oil. So what’s the truth? Well, it’s a bit more complex than it seems, so we decided to put CBD on trial...
  13. F.I.S.T.

    Did you know about these natural, highly effective substitutes for ibuprofen?

    Did you know about these natural, highly effective substitutes for ibuprofen? Thursday, November 03, 2016 by: Isabelle Z. (NaturalNews) No one enjoys dealing with pain, whether it's something mild like minor back pain or something much more intense like an excruciating migraine. However, many...
  14. millenium girl

    7 anti-inflammatory foods

    Foods Anyone suffering from inflammatory health conditions should avoid foods that cause inflammation such as fried foods, refined carbohydrates s (white bread, cakes and cookies), soda, and processed meats. 7 Anti-Inflammatory Foods To reduce symptoms, try adding anti-inflammatory foods to your...
  15. F.I.S.T.

    Cannabis Superior To Drugs For Inflammatory Bowel Condition (Crohn's Disease)

    Cannabis Superior To Drugs For Inflammatory Bowel Condition (Crohn's Disease) Posted on: Sunday, April 12th 2015 at 5:45 pm Written By: Sayer Ji, Founder When drugs fail, and surgery is the only remaining option on the horizon, smoking cannabis may provide an effective and...
  16. E

    New study identifies inflammatory lung disease as risk factor for insulin resistance, diabetes

    New study identifies inflammatory lung disease as risk factor for insulin resistance, diabetes Numerous studies have identified obesity and poor diet as risk factors for insulin resistance and diabetes. A new study adds another risk factor to the list: inflammatory lung disease. Published in...
  17. F.I.S.T.

    Deca, Winstrol and Your Joints

    Deca, Winstrol and Your Joints By Anthony Roberts I’ve been somewhat plagued by certain questions ever since I started reading about steroids a decade ago. Certain ideas just never sat well with me…and unfortunately, when I asked more questions, I only received similar answers. When I was...