
  1. 01dragonslayer

    Special Injection Techniques

    The purpose of the below injection techniques is to seal the injected compound deep within the muscle, by allowing no exit path back into the subcutaneous area and skin. While using these techniques is not essential to performing a proper injection, they will allow the user to minimize oil loss...
  2. Thor

    igf1 lr3

    I found this while searching to give some an idea of how it is used in AA. I use bac water because supposedly you have 30 days to use it and that is really all you need per vial. There is much more information out there and not all of it agrees with the other. Share The use of peptides by...
  3. T


    How long does it take for HCG to start working? My first time using it today. I used a 27G, 1/2" on my belly until my insulin pins come in. I just pinched some fat and injected there. I was going to just go straight in but I thought it might go IM instead of sub Q. Any suggestions on use? I did...