
  1. 01dragonslayer

    Frequently Asked Injecting Questions (FAQ)

    Below are common questions and answers regarding injecting. My Injection Spot Is Red, Itchy, Or Sore? Answer: Get to a doctor for some antibiotics if it is red, itchy, or hot. If it is simply sore and/or swollen it is probably going to be okay see: Post Injection Pain (PIP). If in doubt, get...
  2. tkasch30

    site injecting TNE for growth? any tried this

    ive heard some people claim site injecting tne or injectable orals into biceps like you would do with synthetol, will give growth to that muscle? has anyone actually tried this and had good results? seems like it would just be painful and cause scar tussue
  3. cmeliftheavy

    Great debate "injecting into specific muscles promote localized growth"

    About a week back I posted an article on site injections, still researching articles and reviewing the great debate "injecting steroids and other compound in specific muscles promote localized growth" Article was written by: Shady Eid ( certified personal trainer, writer and competitive...
  4. bigdude


    I haven't ran sustanon in a long time brothas I wondering if I can run it at 900 mg a week and if I can dart it once a week? Its digitals gear so I no its fire and its dosed at 300 mg a ml Basically here's what I got.... 1 sustanon 20 ml x 300mg 2 npp 1 30ml x 50mg anadrol 1 20 ml test prop Dex...