
  1. 01dragonslayer

    The Ultimate Inner Chest Developing Workout

    For so many bodybuilders and lifters, there a number of “problem” areas which often fail to develop at an optimal rate and lag behind others. One common area is the inner chest which is often underdeveloped as many popular chest-based resistance exercises place a large demand on the lower and...
  2. MattyIce

    Tattoo progress

    3 sessions into the 5-6 remaining sessions estimated then color/shading and fill ins.
  3. F.I.S.T.

    The Art of Feeling: How Painful Emotions Can Be A Good Thing

    The Art of Feeling: How Painful Emotions Can Be A Good Thing Shelley White on 28 February, 2015 A few years ago, I was placed on multiple antidepressants. Eventually, the realization that they were not only subduing depression but were subduing all other emotions to some degree as well...