
  1. 01dragonslayer

    Belly fat may reduce mental agility from midlife onward

    As middle-aged people age, having more body fat and less muscle may affect their fluid intelligence, says a new study that implicates the immune system. A study of thousands of middle-aged and older people has linked having more body fat and less muscle mass to changes in mental flexibility...
  2. HTFU

    Gut Intelligence- Viome

    Lately I’ve been looking into gut intelligence, and it’s incredible! Has anyone here gotten there stool tested?? If so had positive results from changing diet?? Theres a handful of companies out there that offer it, I’ve been looking into Viome. They tell you what foods you can and can’t eat...
  3. F.I.S.T.

    Nunes ‘Unmasking’ Report Vindicates Trump Claims on Surveillance

    Nunes ‘Unmasking’ Report Vindicates Trump Claims on Surveillance by Joel B. Pollak22 Mar 2017 House Intelligence Committee chair Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA) announced on Wednesday that he had learned that members of President Donald Trump’s transition team had been under surveillance by the Obama...
  4. F.I.S.T.

    Democrats Hoped to Hurt Trump, but Raised Suspicions of Obama

    Democrats Hoped to Hurt Trump, but Raised Suspicions of Obama by Joel B. Pollak21 Mar 2017 The mainstream media have been doing a victory lap since the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the National Security Agency (NSA) confirmed on Monday in testimony before the U.S. House...
  5. G

    DEA and NSA Team Up to Share Intelligence, DEA and NSA Team Up to Share Intelligence, Leading to Secret Use of Surveillance in Ordinary Investigations