
  1. EG News

    6 Things We Learned from Phil Heath’s Exclusive Interview with Dan Solomon

    Phil Heath’s announcement that he’ll try for his eighth Sandow trophy at this year’s Mr. Olympia shocked the bodybuilding world. Many had the same question: why now? Luckily, Chief Olympia Officer Dan Solomon was able to catch up with the 7-time Mr. Olympia during an Instagram Live session and...
  2. LittleTom

    Interview #2 DYEL

    First off, a big thank you to DYEL for doing this interview. It’s not often that we get a little peak into the lives of members let alone vendors. This member/vendor has been active here for some time now and has been a great addition to EG. It’s no secret this is one of my favorite UGL’s and...
  3. LittleTom

    Krustus interview ideas

    Ok guys and gal. Krustus has so graciously agreed to do the first of the new interviews. If you remember last time I asked you guys if there was anything you would like to ask the person I interview . I will take a couple member questions and put them in the interview along with my own. So if...
  4. E

    Does dandruff cause psychological distress? An interview with Dr Anjali Mahto

    Does dandruff cause psychological distress? An interview with Dr Anjali Mahto Dandruff is a common chronic scalp disorder that is characterised by flaking of the skin of the scalp. As skin cells die, they are shed from the scalp surface. For some people, however, excessive flaking occurs...
  5. TSizemore

    Katie Couric and Brandi Akers Interview

    A real decent interview done here. No hype, no personal attacks or derogatory's short and focused on women bodybuilders, bet well done nonetheless.
  6. J

    KAI: INTERVIEW POST OLYMPIA Cool interview, and I think Kai was better than HEath! NOw be a champion!
  7. G

    Interesting read, that explains a few ways how the law works...

    I thought this was a pretty interesting interview worth reading that explains how one successful lab middle man went down. Gives some details and all about stuff you thought you knew all about.