
  1. puff88

    Botched Shot

    2 days ago I did my shot in the quad, a typical favorite location for me, never an issue. I will even alternate and do upper quad (about fingers length when standing upright with arms at side) and lower quad (just a few inches down from there). I used a 5/8 pin this time in the upper, instead of...
  2. rboy101

    Acne issue

    Hey fellas. So I’ve been on and off of test for 12-14 years or so and never had an issue but the last year, every time I start running Sust I keep getting decent sized red cyst like pimples on my face . Only liek 1 or two at a time but after two weeks and they finally are going away, I get one...
  3. dgm831

    Traveling Internationally

    Question for you guys. Ill be traveling internationally to Europe in a few weeks. I'm not planning on bringing gear with me, I've planned around that. My question is regarding supports. My plan is to put my supports Adex, tamoxifen, and prami into my normal morning/night pill container with the...
  4. pooh6369

    Elbow pain

    For about a couple of weeks, been having a pain on my elbow. Not like tennis elbow muscles around elbow and forearm dosent hurt. It's the actual bone itself. Tried a tennis elbow band, and a elbow sleeve. Doesn't do anything at night throbbing interrupts my sleep. Got a Dr appt in lil over a...
  5. T

    BTC not sending?

    I'm having an issue where I sent BTC with cashapp, after a few minutes the money is back in my account, and no completed withdrawal is showing up (but it's affecting my daily totals counters/limits, probably due to poor logic in the app). Does this indicate that the destination wallet is...
  6. Inhuman2024

    Checkin in

    So a quick health update. Anyone thats been seeing my posts knows ive had some health issues. Ive had very high ck levels n my gfr is 60%. I have currently dropped to 200mg test e/c mix a week. I have found an awesome internal medecine specialist that is along for the ride. ALOT GRIM had nailed...
  7. Eman

    Mastery Pharmaceuticals stanozolol

    Mastery Pharmaceuticals Stanozolol (winstrol) 25mg / tabs
  8. GRIM

    Transgender athletes and gear

    Transgender student athletes could be disqualified for steroid use under bill backed by Texas Senate  | Texas Legislature | Dallas News I have zero issue with gear, zero issue with transgender as dont fuck with me i wont fuck with you however transgender do take it to far when they are...
  9. luckyluke

    Red face/cheekbone area

    So I've had a new issue for last 1 1/2 years. My face when on TRT is turning red. Not so much my whole face, but just around my cheek bones. Makes me look like I've got in a fight. Gone to see a derm and gave some stuff but not much help to take down. Get much worse when exercising or...

    need some advice and help

    Ok well without going into to much detail. So I had an episode today lol... short and simple I came home today and my neighbor came to check on me to see how I was doing.. after about 3 min of talking to him I passed the fuck out. I went to the DR.. So here is my issue I have self...
  11. B

    UFC President Dana White Can't Make Up His Mind About Testosterone Replacement

    By Jonathan Snowden (MMA Lead Writer) on February 16, 2013 There is a battle brewing in the world of mixed martial arts. On one side is the president of the sport's most influential promotion, a man who is never afraid to speak his mind. And this man is a medical progressive, all in favor of...