
  1. Dustined83


    Does anyone use this? I ran across a good amount and wasn't sure if it's worth investing in... just looking for opinions
  2. GRIM

    Anyone have funds on FTX?

    Thankfully I never used it. Causing huge crashes though :(
  3. R2D2

    Dark Cycle Sledge

    Starting this in the next few days: it's max-lmg/dmz. gonna run alongside 250 mg test-e
  4. GoPro

    1 year off and on transformation....

    It's crazy how much we can change in a year. This was done over the course of year about. I was off and on so it could have been even a bigger change if I would have been in a better state of mind. I did go through a drinking spell which hurt my gains too and a divorce. So keep that in mind too.
  5. Dago


    I live out the sticks and don't really fuck w nobody but family so this corona thing got me out in the barn looking at my old weight bench it's 17 years old 300 lbs Olympic bench squat preacher pad got duck tape on it shits lil Rusty but I got miles on it. No gym train alone in a barn concrete...
  6. MattyIce

    DMT have you ever tried it? Can you describe the trip?

    To avoid a lot of “illegal drug” talk, maybe comment in general and then send me a pm. Thanks!
  7. R2D2


    i'm having pain and burning sensation in the testicle area, left side, and perhaps right under the testicle. i'm wondering if it's related to BPH or if i have some sort of infection, or maybe even a hernia. anyone else experienced this? it's been like this for the past few days. also getting the...
  8. halfnatty

    Who’s ran dhb

    i would like to see How your results were
  9. TSizemore

    Grocery bill

    How much do you guys spend on food? I just went shopping today, it came to $120 for me and the wife. Some of that food should spill over into next week, some may have to be replenished before the weeks out. That doesn't count any household items or pet food, or anything like that..... just...
  10. Eman

    Umbilical hernia

    Pretty sure that's what it is it's not pertruding horribly but Iv had it for prolly 3months now and it's starting to hurt and can feel it moving around in there if I sit up or lay down like it pops back in and out if that makes any sense. Any way going to make a doc appt Tom get it looked at...
  11. Titan88

    Oily skin help..

    Is there any over the counter creme or anything to help clear up skin from using superdrol? I always get bad acne from when I use superdrol. It's annoying as fuck
  12. rboy101


    What's up bros. I've been researching a lot lately on the mineral iodine and reading about people supplementing with it. It's supposed to promote good thyroid production and even boost libido. Any of you have any experience with this?
  13. LittleTom

    It's that time of year

    Depending on where you live it's getting cold. That means the possibility of gear falling out of solution. When you go to grab your little glass bottle and look inside and say "what the fuck is going on?!" Crystals have formed and seperated from the oil. Don't panic. One, it means you have good...
  14. Hogslayer

  15. Torres

    HGH Abuse !!! Rich Piana !!!

    Hey saw this vid last nite and thought it be a good one to post !!! It's true that u see those Hugh guts on BB's and it's only getting worse !!! Rich Piana ' TRUTH ' !!!
  16. dowork

    Soft or Hard?

    I'm talkin mattresses guys. What do you use, soft or hard? My lumbar is killing me.
  17. stonetag

    50y/o savage cat dude

    Well it's official (in my book), upwards of 2 grams a test EW will turn a guy into a manbeast. I have been lifting with such power and force I'm freaking my self out. The shit is secreting out of my pores and women really seem to like it in some primitive way. But the funny shit is every...