
  1. EG News

    Mobility Training Tips To Maximize Movement and Strength

    I didn’t realize how much mobility training mattered until it was too late. I was standing over a heavily loaded barbell, ready to tackle a Sumo deadlift, thinking I had all my bases covered. But as I bent down, my lower back rounded because my hips lacked the mobility to hinge properly, and as...
  2. EG News

    Medical Experts Explain What May Be Causing Your ‘Popping’ Joints

    Sometimes, our bodies produce sounds that catch us off guard, leaving us wondering if we should be concerned or simply shrug it off. Knees and elbows, in particular, seem to have a knack for making themselves heard, leading many of us to question whether these popping joints are a sign of...
  3. 01dragonslayer

    Common terms and abbreviations..

    Ive decided to post it because a number of times i see people asking what an abbreviation means. And maybe you guys could add all the abbreviations you know... 17 AA = 17 Alpha Alkylated AAS = Anabolic Androgenic Steroid Abduction = moving a limb away from the midline of the body. An example is...
  4. 01dragonslayer


    One of the biggest buzz-kills to an active, healthy life is joint pain. And it’s never more of a buzz-kill than when you walk into the gym expecting to have a great workout… and then all of a sudden in the middle of a set that slow burn feeling starts to creep up in your joints. Maybe it’s...
  5. 01dragonslayer


    Knee pain and bodybuilding are common. Knee pain may develop from bodybuilding as a result of injuries from ruptured tendons, meniscal and ACL tears, kneecap pain, and tendinitis. Over time, wear and tear occur from the excessive loads of heavyweights being lifted repetitively, which may result...
  6. 01dragonslayer

    The Importance Of Supporting Your Joints—At Any Age

    by Jacob Wilson, Ph.D., C.S.C.S.*D. As someone who has studied skeletal muscle function for over two decades now, I can tell you countless ways to get stronger, bigger, and faster. And if you have the motivation to train hard, eat right, and sleep well, you can go very far. However, what limits...
  7. 01dragonslayer

    Athletes who use sumac protect their muscles and joints

    Athletes who use sumac protect their muscles and joints The day before yesterday we wrote about an in vitro study in which an extract of sumac killed cancer cells by accelerating their aging. Sumak, a spice of berry from the Rhus coriaria tree, may also be interesting for athletes, according to...
  8. RebelMachinist

    Winny- popping my cherry

    okay bros so I’m about to be running Winstrol for the first time. 100mg Ed for 8-10 weeks yes I run them long and have for years. I feel people stop when things are just getting good around weeks 5-6. Anywho I’ve done some googling over the years, I’ve been debating for a while now to run it or...
  9. F.I.S.T.

    How This Simple Juice Recipe Removes Uric Acid Crystallization In Joints?

    How This Simple Juice Recipe Removes Uric Acid Crystallization In Joints?By Phyllis Bentley Posted Tuesday, April 5, 2016 Uric acid is a substance that results from the breakdown of purines. A normal part of all human tissue, purines are found in many foods. Normally, uric acid is dissolved in...
  10. F.I.S.T.

    Deca, Winstrol and Your Joints

    Deca, Winstrol and Your Joints By Anthony Roberts I’ve been somewhat plagued by certain questions ever since I started reading about steroids a decade ago. Certain ideas just never sat well with me…and unfortunately, when I asked more questions, I only received similar answers. When I was...
  11. D

    working out and cutting

    okay guys i seem like i always over train or get hurt uhhgggg would its be better to just lift twice aweek like upper body then a lower body and cardio 5 days aweek ima have two high carb days and and 5 low carb days arounf 50 grams under i always get hurt my joints get so dry :o
  12. Z82

    Deca for much?

    Just want to add the bare minimum to help with the joints and tendons. I don't want to add bloat or at least minimize it and also want all bloat to be gone by the time our fat boy contest picture time comes. Never messed with deca before , so I'm hitting up my EGezians! Thanks
  13. luckyluke

    What's a good dosage or winny?

    What's a good dosage or winny and proper protocol for taking it....times of day. Looking to lean up obliviously, I'm cruising on test and I'll get on this for 6-7 weeks before I blast again in Feb. Also, I know joints dry up on winny and thing else I should be worried about, and what can I...
  14. Kuntrykok

    Anyone have joint pain from high estrogen?

    I have heard of low estrogen causing joint pain but some people have said that when estrogen gets too high it can also cause joint pain. what's everybody think about this?