
  1. GRIM

    New Gimp Progress

    Covid took me out, numerous sicknesses since but finally back on track. Sitting at about 6'3" 238 pounds Max bench 375 which isnt bad for a gimp Overall Im happy with results tbh, now focus on cutting a bit
  2. GoPro

    1 year off and on transformation....

    It's crazy how much we can change in a year. This was done over the course of year about. I was off and on so it could have been even a bigger change if I would have been in a better state of mind. I did go through a drinking spell which hurt my gains too and a divorce. So keep that in mind too.
  3. GRIM

    Getting there

    Little by little
  4. halfnatty

    Pic of my back

    So as some know I got fucked up in the army and got fat and now I been on a weight loss transformation and Iv dropped 21 pounds so far Just need more work on my gut lol, lower back fat is what’s fucking me up! But here is a pic of me now
  5. flyingfox

    30 days in

    Here is a pic of my reflection off my truck lol, I thought it looked kinda cool. I did not touch a weight for nearly two years, after 30 days I would say I have about 1/2 of my size when I stopped. The cycle is real simple, 400mg test cyp per week and 20mg tbol daily (just bumped it to 30 mg)...