
  1. EG News

    Shaun Clarida’s Killer Leg Day Workout For Giant Muscle Gain

    Two-time 212 Olympia trophy winner Shaun Clarida is hoping to three-peat the throne in 2024 and if this recent killer leg day workout is anything to go by, The “Giant Killer” could well slay his opponents on stage come this October in Las Vegas. While the list of exercises required to build...
  2. 01dragonslayer


    One of the biggest buzz-kills to an active, healthy life is joint pain. And it’s never more of a buzz-kill than when you walk into the gym expecting to have a great workout… and then all of a sudden in the middle of a set that slow burn feeling starts to creep up in your joints. Maybe it’s...
  3. F.I.S.T.

    Killer Shoulder Workout

    Here's a shoulder workout that I learned yrs ago that kicks ass.I did this again this morning and my shoulders are still fried.Weight doesnt matter as everyones strength level is different but the protocol of the workout is whats important.Also,exercises can be changed as well but these are the...