
  1. 01dragonslayer


    PERSONALITY VS. KNOWLEDGE For most trainers, personality is more important than knowledge... at least if you want to make a good living. I made a 180-degree turn on this one. I used to be a coaching purist and believed all that mattered was knowledge and application. If you were good, clients...
  2. 01dragonslayer

    Who Should You Listen to For Fitness Advice?

    This article may not apply to all who read it; regardless, hopefully it will make you step back and think about the subject matter on a deeper level. I come from a family that tends to run a bit on the heavier side of the bathroom scale, and I was once considered “obese” (by BMI standards)...
  3. SemprFi95

    Coach Kai Unheralded Genuis

    Just wanted to give praise & a special shoutout to Coach Kai1432 for his services & agreeing to help me out on my journey to a better me. For countless years I would cycle on & off, hoping to achieve that perfect body, but time & time again I would be greatly disappointed on the outcome & even...
  4. TSizemore

    Excited to see....

    The number of new members lately! Now, let's see all of you new members posting up and sharing your knowledge and experiences. Same for the rest of us existing members....let's start with the posting! With all the accumulated knowledge, (and mistakes, lol) we got plenty to share.
  5. halfnatty

    tb 500 dosage ?

    Does anyone have any experience with this? I am having tendon pains in my arms right now , gonna go back to lifting high reps low weights and as many of you know I am not taking steroids right now cause of health in till I'm better and can learn to be more smart about my cycles. But anyway I can...
  6. O

    thankyou GRIM, and Rockshawn

    before i started aas i studied read books and did my research am still learning new things every year I have questions and use this board to gain more knowledge for example methyl tren its new to me i never heard of it so i wanted some input on it i also never heard of tudca but i orders some...
  7. ajdonutz


    I'd like to reintroduce myself. I haven't been extremely active on this board or any board in a while, but anyone who is around on the other boards I used to frequent should know me and my knowledge. I'm going to do my best to start chiming in on threads and helping where people need help, as a...
  8. B

    Welcome NOBEL252

    Guys nobel is a good friend and mod from SF...he is a vet and has a wealth of knowledge that I'm sure we can all benefit from..he has helped me quite a bit. Welcome aboard nobel