
  1. krustus

    so after my cut... how to you stay focused

    i cut down 30lbs in about 6 months...Jan - July last year... have been able to maintain that level of leanness since then.. or at least very close... but i feel a little adrift...lost ... without the diet rules as strict as they i really only counted cals and protein. catch...
  2. krustus

    home gym pic

    realized i haven't workouted regularly at a commercial gym in like 15 plus years... i'm a home gym guy .. no spotters.. gotta get it
  3. GRIM

    The x's thread

    We had one im starting a new one.. A few of mine
  4. krustus

    krustus ... almost almost 8 years in the making

    my journey started about 8 years ago.. learned what i liked ..what worked for me... what i really wanted etc... still on the move to improve.. but have come very far... thanks to those that have inspired and helped along the way
  5. halfnatty

    Anyone know where I can get dnp with out a mimnum? And a AI question

    What is a better estrogen blocker than adex? I heard it can really raise your chorestrol levels and other stuff, so is their a better and a safer AI out there? And as for the dnp it's pretty much what I said up there. Thanks
  6. krustus

    mrs. krustus is back in th gym hard...

    she's back in the gym... and getting prod enough to send me pics again!!! she's down like 7 lbs
  7. LittleTom

    EG Interview #1 Krustus.

    LT: Alright EG, it’s been a bit since I have done an interview here. I am really pleased to have the first one back be with a veteran member here who is well known to all of you and is well versed not only about EG but this lifestyle in general. He has recently gone through a fantastic...
  8. LittleTom

    Krustus interview ideas

    Ok guys and gal. Krustus has so graciously agreed to do the first of the new interviews. If you remember last time I asked you guys if there was anything you would like to ask the person I interview . I will take a couple member questions and put them in the interview along with my own. So if...
  9. HTFU

    New Poll: Who has the hottest side bitch or girl on EG… Fire Away!

    With all do respect Krustus, Mrs. Krustus is fucking fine we want more pics, but lets get a poll going I know there are a bunch of fuckers on here nailing some fine asses! Ill start it off, even throw in some nudes for y'all with my now ex/side Dallas Cowboy Cheerleader Girl…Let the games Begin...
  10. HTFU

    Porn Pic just for Krustus, since you asked

    Hope this give you a nice hard on...... Hey 49er if your still on here suck my dick here's an up to date pic of me even losing the 10lbs and still looking decent. 18 1/4 in arms
  11. T-bar

    Rap music

    I know a lot of you guys probably enjoy rap music, and I have to admit there are a few songs I appreciate. But for the most part what I hate about rap music the most is the asshats who drive down the road blasting it just so they can get attention. I think this sums up my feelings best...
  12. krustus

    started a small all EGH cycle...

    i have been cutting for summer.. slowly dropped from 220 to 195... only running trt test (125-150mg a week).. used some hgh frag (not real impressed).. now i've started a NPP (300mg a week) and masteron ( 600mg a week) cycle on top of my trt... gonna run it for 8-10 weeks. looking to fill...
  13. krustus

    what it takes ...dull ..monotonous... consistency

    in my experience a true change in your body is not so much about being hardcore..killing it ... as its about doing the things every single day that you need too... dull ...boring consistency... the nutrition and getting cals and macros daily are the worst... you can get some good and fun...
  14. krustus

    pic after tonights workout...

    I been cutting cals and added cardio daily... trying to cut... actually went up a couple of pounds!!! wtf.. I think I look better... just gonna keep at it. still working around the pec tear too.
  15. krustus

    mrs. krustus ...making the 4th weekend

    you guys know i'm making my way back from a torn pec injury... so i've been down a little... but mrs krustus always makes me SEE things in a better [attachment deleted by admin]
  16. krustus

    krustus goes huge in commercial gym

    i always workout at home ... practically all free weights, haven't been in a commercial gym in years... so i went with my buddy McCraken and did all machines since i don't get to at home. was pretty proud of my leg press since i haven't done that move in years [attachment deleted by admin]
  17. M


    Hey everybody. I'm an over 40 guy that woke up and realized I've been busting my ass working/training yet my results suck. Damn, getting old is rough! Ha ha. I've been talking with my buddy Krustus and he invited me to the site. Hoping to learn all I can and look forward to improving my quality...
  18. krustus

    krustus off cycle on peps

    been off cycle for a few weeks and upped my peps to 3x a day 100mcg of each (ipam and Modgrf) results are going great... eating like crazy .. lots of carbs and still seem to be dropping a little fat... i was gonna do a cut around march and hope to get down in the single digits. pretty happy...
  19. krustus

    jim wendlers 5 3 1 or the beyond 5 3 1

    any of you guys ever use this program... i'm thinking of switching up and going this route?... would like to hear from any one who's tried it though..
  20. krustus

    Mrs. Krustus Rocks the torture chamber

    she's working out in the torture chamber [attachment deleted by admin]