
  1. A

    Private MD results

    Its funny how if we haven't been to the Dr in awhile that when we get labs done we (at least me) get stressed lol. About 4-5yrs ago I got labs back and my creatinine was a bit high. So I went to dr and he said lets do tests. I refused and said F this guy. My test was "normal" to him so I wasnt...
  2. mig139

    Test E problems

    While EG was down, I visited some of my old homes, over couple of them there are couple topic about Labs not selling Test E because the raws coming from China are garbage (Test E) and they can't guarantee the potency and vendor want to talk about their Test E? This is...
  3. K

    The importance of Labs

    I often see quite posts regarding women's libido, how to improve it, and two things really stick out to me. The first is that almost all the entries are made by men and the second is hardly any mention is made regarding getting labs done. There are so many factors that affect a woman's libido...
  4. C

    3 labs gone MIA read*

    This is posted in S-F i thought i post it here just in case. some haven't seen it 3 Labs are M.I.A. - owned by single person NATURE SCIENCE LABS - SYNTHETIC POWER LABS - PURE PERFORMANCE PHARMA - We have been investigating this...