
  1. GRIM

    AC is on and working!

    Thank god don't want repeat of last year. 88-90 in here figured was time!
  2. Chicken_hawk

    A few decent sci fi's

    Like most dudes I am a sci first junky. These may not be new, but in hopes of finding more suggestions from the board I thought I would throw these up. "2036 Origin Unknown" a low budget film on Netflix staring Later Sackhoff. I was hoping that suffering through the semi ok special effects and...
  3. bigdude

    Looking for trestolone

    Sup bros! Anyone point me in the right direction fo4 some raws or a couple bottles? Thanks!
  4. lith56bigguy

    The wife at the end of last nights workout

    After a 13 hour shift plus 3 hours drive time, she still came home and killed it
  5. R

    call for help

    Hey everyone this is rage. Some of you know me some dont. Im calling on all my iron brothers for a little help. Im on self administered hrt. I have used up my natural production of test. I HAVE HAD ALOT OF BULL S... happen to me of late and im in a bad situation. I have run out of gear and I...