
  1. 01dragonslayer

    Stop Eating Like a Pro Bodybuilder

    Many men get tripped up by copying the diet of their favorite bodybuilder or hypertrophied action movie star. The problem? Well, most men don't have the genetics of a pro, they don't do the marathon workouts of a pro, and they're not using the drugs the pros are using. Heck, even guys on...
  2. 01dragonslayer

    Creatine is Medicine

    There are at least three traditional bodybuilding drugs or supplements that ought to be used routinely in clinical settings to treat various conditions or maladies: Nandrolone (deca durabolin) Growth Hormone Creatine The first is, of course, an anabolic steroid. In a sane world, it and...
  3. 01dragonslayer

    8 Rules of steroid use.

    Most of us cheat at times though and do not stay off of the juice for the recommended time each time that we cycle. Sometimes a goal is trying to be met which will require a quick return to the AS in order to not lose gains. At times like this, I strongly recommend that one stay off of the...
  4. 01dragonslayer

    How To Approach Cardio While Building Muscle

    Can cardio hinder muscle mass gains? What type of cardio is best for your experience level? Find out how to best incorporate cardio while building muscle. There is much debate and controversy on the subject of doing cardio while building muscle. Once and for all I am going to set the record...
  5. 01dragonslayer

    How To Approach Cardio While Building Muscle

    There is much debate and controversy on the subject of doing cardio while building muscle. Once and for all I am going to set the record straight. So without further adieu, here's the real deal on doing cardio while trying to gain size and strength... If you are a beginner who also happens to...
  6. 01dragonslayer

    How To Approach Cardio While Building Muscle

    There is much debate and controversy on the subject of doing cardio while building muscle. Once and for all I am going to set the record straight. So without further adieu, here's the real deal on doing cardio while trying to gain size and strength... If you are a beginner who also happens to...
  7. 01dragonslayer

    8 Rules of steroid use.

    Found this one another site....good for the newbs...,. I. Always Cycle off of AS for at least 6 weeks. The rule of thumb regarding how to cycle on and off of steroids is that one should cycle off of the AS for the same amount of time that they were on. Most of us cheat at times though and do...
  8. 01dragonslayer

    Rules for over 40 training

    Sooner or later...we all face it. Your joints are a little achier than those of your younger bro's and your reflexes aren't as spectacular, but you've still got most of your game. Now tell me, should you, as an aging athlete who wants to continue to compete at a high level, or an even higher...
  9. tkasch30

    Your least favorite steroids

    I'm just curious to see what others have to say about there least favorite steroids. You taken them and have given you the least benefits and worst side effects. 1. superdrol... Worst steroid ever imo. I feel like absolute shit on any dose of it and positive effects I would say are about...