
  1. puff88

    Aromasin vs arimidex

    Can yall really help me understand the difference in 1. Dosing, 2. Frequency, and 3. What type of cycle is better suited for one over the other? I have both on hand but only have used adex. Would consider switching it up but not 100% comfortable with the 3 main questioms above. Thanks to anyone...
  2. Eman

    Honest Pharma Letro

    @Liv2pb provided letro for test. Letro was thought to be bunk testing shows otherwise Honest Pharma Letrozole 2.5mg tab
  3. 01dragonslayer

    All you need to know about GYNO.

    I am posting this thread to help answer all of the questions regarding gyno prevention and reversal, the use of letrozole and other anti-e’s. I will go over everything in very simple easy to understand language. Also we are talking about estrogen gyno here, not progesterone (but using letro will...
  4. Southerncross

    Help now

    Holy smokes.....first off let me say im taking a mere dose of 400mg week test c...mon/thur split...been on this for months..... NO AI. When i was younger (alot younger) id run 750mg a week no probs...no sides nothing.... Now...i guess after time estro has built up or some shit...idk....but...
  5. J


    Any suggestions on how house nolvadex to shrink a little gyno?
  6. Thesuperwallaby

    gyno issue

    upped me to 10mg of tamoxofin everyday and the lump still getting bigger going on the 8th to get my boobie checked.... anybody have to go through this before? usually tamoxifen clears it right up but doesnt seem to be helping this time around.... i wonder if it has something to do with the...
  7. blasson


    Does anyone have any letro pills or asin pills they can part with? I had liquid letro and I dropped the dam bottle in bathroom and spilt it everywhere. Pretty much only recovered what's left in the bottle which is maybe .5ml I don't have shit to trade for as everything i have is what i use...
  8. A

    HELP sore nipples and small lumps

    Can someone give a protocol for combatting this. I've been on 400mg testE and 400mg DECA for 4 weeks now. I also have a little oozing out of one nipple. Thanks for any help given.
  9. F.I.S.T.


    Read this yrs ago and found it to be amazing info that ive personally had many use with great success. LETRO FOR GYNO I am posting this thread to help answer all of the questions regarding gyno prevention and reversal, the use of letrozole and other anti-e's. I will go over...
  10. tkasch30

    nolvadex shrinking pubertal gyno?

    ive seen some studies online that said nolvadex with shrink gyno? anyone tried it. its been there a long time. if i have to get surgery, then ok, but id be happy just shrinking it because its not real bad to begin with
  11. B

    gyno help

    ok guys running test e tren e var & win right now and got some solid lumps going, been running 20mg nolva per day and .5mg caber 2x per week, it has reduced some but not much but at least its not getting worse. got letro and prami on the way. how would you dose letro its been 3+ years since I've...
  12. D

    anyone got extra letro i can buy thats not from a cem

    any ligit letro pharma tabs anyone :(
  13. D

    alubutro t3 provorn cycle

    Hello guys Ima be hoping off cycle cause of gyno flier up and my letro is junk shit fuck u maxima peps!!!! But I'm cutting not worryed about muscle right now I wanna run alubutro and t3 can someone help me with doesage and I wanna run proviron to help with mood sex drive and to stay hard I read...
  14. stonetag


    Bulk cycle in the works right now, and I have albuterol and letro on hand I'm not having any gyno issues or anything like that, but I seem to be storing more fat than usual. I always store a little during a bulk, but not like this time. I was thinking of cycling in some albuterol or possibly...
  15. ram97

    Small lump

    OK guys Im running tren and test. Tren at 100 eod and test at 250 a week. Problem is I got a small lump about the size of a pencil eraser behind my right nipple. It is sore to the touch. What do most guys use to get rid of this? Letro? Adex? and dosing? I gotta get rid of this damn thing. Ram97
  16. Akhusker

    running aromasin still puffy

    OK so I have a guy that is super sensitive to test I guess. I started him out on 500mg of test P per week. He came back a few weeks later saying his nipples hurt and so I started him out on 12.5mg of aromasin EOD. It went away quickly now he says its back! He is now taking 25mg of aromasin ED...
  17. N

    Cycle Support

    After spending some time on the board and learning a little bit I started to add more compounds and made my cycles more advanced. I found out quick that I do not like Deca. I also have a new found love for test p/mast/tren cycles with a test e base. So thank you everyone for that! But, with...