
  1. 01dragonslayer

    Do Testosterone-Boosting Supplements Work?

    There are supplements out there that promise to increase your libido while also upping your testosterone. There are over the counter testosterone supplements and prescription supplements. There are supplements that market themselves as T-boosters, while also touting themselves as an aphrodisiac...
  2. 01dragonslayer

    How to Increase Libido

    The New Science of Your Sex Drive HOW TO (REALLY) BOOST YOUR LIBIDO Male sex drive is largely influenced by testosterone. The more testosterone you have, the thinking goes, the more likely you are to get sprung at the slightest sexual thought, the briefest glimpse of thigh, or heck, even a...
  3. 01dragonslayer

    Short-Term HCG Protocol to Restore Sex-Hormone Balance to Libido-Favorable Ranges

    Using Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) in Short & High-Dose Blasts is probably the Easiest and Most-Effective way to Restore Libido when Hormone Balance is off. HCG mimics Luteinizing Hormone (LH) and signals the Testes to start producing Testosterone, Estrogen & Semen again, while the Adrenal...
  4. F.I.S.T.

    Male Libido Supplements

    Male Libido Supplements Are you a male with libido problems? If so, then you may still be in disbelief. Wasn't it just yesterday that sex was about all you could think about? Now you find yourself thinking about just because you know you should! Or maybe you're a male who just wants to...
  5. F.I.S.T.

    Which is the Better Choice for Treating Low Libido in Women?

    Which is the Better Choice for Treating Low Libido in Women? by Barbara Minton Posted on August 22, 2015 A Big Pharma drug? Or natural hormones? This week the media has gone all out to celebrate FDA approval of a new drug that promises to manage low libido in women. Of course this drug has...
  6. D

    some questions/problems on current run

    So i started a very low cycle 2 weeks ago, my natural test levels are shot and i was put on trt, I'm currently doing 1/2 cc test e, 1/2 cc tren e EOD... Also started doing injectable b12 at 1cc/day. Ive ran tren many times in the past In doses of 600mg to ~800 a week. I have never experienced...
  7. A

    mast e vs mast p - to lean or not to lean

    mast e vs mast p, which is better to get lean? Can you actually get very lean using mast e? I thought that was counterintuitive with long esther. So wouldn't mast p than mast e actually be much more effective at getting leaner/harder? What other benefits or side could I expect with mast e or...