
  1. 01dragonslayer

    5 Healthy Lifestyle Habits - Add a Decade to Your Life

    So the researchers at Harvard University conducted a pretty cool report. This study had 123,000 volunteers that shared their medical records and answered a lifestyle questionnaire. They asked this questionnaire to gain an understanding of how much longer someone would live if they followed a...
  2. 01dragonslayer

    How Do You Know if a Diet is Right for You?

    Fad diets have been around for as long as any of us can remember. A new one or a new spin on an old one are always popping up with all sorts of claims of not only weight loss, but health benefits. Some diets market themselves not as a traditional diet, but as a lifestyle or lifestyle change...
  3. EG News

    To Maximize Middle Age, Try Living a High-Performance Lifestyle

    Recently, I flew to New York City to take part in a three day High Performance Lifestyle Performance event. I’d gotten to know the Founder, Brian Mazza when he was a guest on my Midlife Male Podcast and he invited me out to experience this event. So what is a high performance lifestyle? I’ve...
  4. EG News

    10 Life Hacks Outside the Gym You Should Give a Try

    Every time I write about this topic, I have to double-check my math because it doesn’t seem possible: As a 46-year-old who discovered the weightroom as a skinny high school freshman, I have trained almost every day for 32 years. Many of those years, I’ve trained multiple times each day, so even...
  5. 01dragonslayer

    Losing Your Motivation

    Have you lost all motivation to train? Do you dread heading to the gym? Maybe you spend half the day looking for excuses to put off today’s training? Losing your motivation is not fun. I know, that’s an understatement. You really want to gain muscle. You really want to get ripped. But it’s...
  6. 01dragonslayer

    8 Things the Best Weight-Loss Diets Have in Common

    If you’re hoping to lose weight, there are so many ways to go about it: Cutting carbs, weighing what you eat, keeping a food journal, intermittent fasting, hiring a personal trainer and countless other ideas registered dietitians, health coaches and well-meaning friends might suggest. When...
  7. EG News

    Ask Andy: What’s the Fastest Way to Get in Shape?

    Over the years, I have been asked this question in many different ways. I chose this question first for “Ask Andy” because it allows for a solid introduction to a “fitness lifestyle.” I’ll answer this with a brief overview of this holistic mindset. In future articles, we’ll be able to dive...
  8. puff88

    Finding a new primary care physician/GP

    Greetings all - I am currently in search of a new primary care physician. I know that not all of us may be comfortable discussing where we are from or what state we live in, and may not be a great idea in general - However, was wondering if maybe there is a way for us to start some type of...
  9. EG News

    Spouses More Likely to Hit Weight-Loss Goals Together

    If you have a goal that you’re looking to achieve, especially one that requires lifestyle changes, it stands to reason that having your significant other or spouse on board would make it easier. And that’s exactly what researchers found when they looked at the success rates of heart attack...
  10. Inhuman2024

    Checkin in

    So a quick health update. Anyone thats been seeing my posts knows ive had some health issues. Ive had very high ck levels n my gfr is 60%. I have currently dropped to 200mg test e/c mix a week. I have found an awesome internal medecine specialist that is along for the ride. ALOT GRIM had nailed...
  11. EG News

    5 Habits That Lead to a Longer, Healthier Life via Shutterstock Diabetes and cancer have consistently been two of the biggest causes of death around the world each year, but luckily there seems to be a pretty easy way to ward off the diseases. A recent study by a group of international researchers, published in the British...
  12. F.I.S.T.

    Shocking cancer admission by conventional medicine

    Shocking cancer admission by conventional medicine Friday, September 18, 2015 by: Jonathan Landsman (NaturalNews) "Cancer is a preventable disease that requires major lifestyle changes," published several years ago by the National Center for Biotechnology Information. So, why do we continue to...
  13. stonetag

    Some words about gains

    Muscle gains are a topic that will bring opinions from every angle, everyone has a solution to this issue. Eat more of this, and less of that. Exercise like me, not like him. You need to live this lifestyle or you can't be like me. Then you have the supp. market targeting the hard gainers, take...
  14. Thick1

    Aloha My Friends

    Just got here and I see a whole lot of old names here, good to be a part of a great board. Been in this lifestyle for over 30 years and enjoying every minute of it and those to come.