
  1. 01dragonslayer

    Loaded Metabolic Conditioning For Cardio Haters

    Metcon For Health, Leanness, and Muscle You don't need hours of cardio to keep your heart healthy and your body lean. Here are the best ways to do loaded metabolic conditioning. Metabolic conditioning 25 (metcon) won’t just make you healthier. It’ll allow you to recover faster between sets and...
  2. 01dragonslayer

    The 5 Missing Lifts for Lower-Body Strength

    Functional Exercises for Legs and Glutes What does it mean to have strong legs and glutes? Well, it involves more than just being able to move a lot of weight. Real-world strength and resiliency are about being stable under load and having the capacity to move big weights outside the typical...
  3. 01dragonslayer

    3 Good, But Overrated Exercises

    Good exercises can still be overrated when you have an exaggerated perception of their importance. Why does it even matter? Because you'll overuse them at the expense of other valuable exercises. Here are some examples of good exercises that are commonly overused and alternative exercises that...
  4. E

    Medicine-loaded nanoparticles could help patients achieve corneal transplant success

    Medicine-loaded nanoparticles could help patients achieve corneal transplant success There are about 48,000 corneal transplants done each year in the U.S., compared to approximately 16,000 kidney transplants and 2,100 heart transplants. Out of the 48,000 corneal transplants done, 10 percent of...