For the gym to log workouts. I havent been able to log in like 14 years since my hands fucked.
I tried on phone but it's to damn small.
One of the best investments I ever MADE!
I decided to post a log here and will include pictures when I can. I work out at 4 am 4 days a week. I have done a wide variety of styles but I haven't been this dedicated and consistent before until Feburary 2017 when I decided to quit fucking around.
Currently I'm on
Prestige Test E...
Today's workout
4 am -- 45 min fasted cardio (Rotex)
Lunch break -- legs
Horizontal leg press
Seated calves
Leg extensions
(I can't go heavy on these because of the f***** up knee)
Alright guys, as promised I'm starting up this log. Everything will be AEL as always unless I need something at some point that they don't carry which I will notate.
I am going to be doing some serious training, proper eating & growing this offseason. I'm coming out of the gate swinging. We...
Decided to start a log here instead of just posting in the "TODAY'S WORKOUT WAS" thread.
Just got home with my sons from our 2nd training session today.Earlier was MMA circuit training and now we did MMA technique drills consisting of......
Take Down Drills
Sprawl and Shoot Drills
Just did my bloods for the doc so I'm hooping to get a little breathing room before my next blood test. I'm coming off a layoff and then Dr. Prescribed TRT which I am allowed 100 mg per week for now but he said he wanted to start on the conservative end.
Current cycle
500 mg test Cyp per week...
Well we are here! Im still sick trying to fight this shit. Not gonna do aanything to big tonight maybe dinner and some drinks save the energy for tomorrow. Heres my view from the balcony :)
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20 min arm bicycle
4 minutes of sit ups (189 reps)
2 minutes of push ups (90 reps)
2 minutes of flutter kicks (120 reps)
1 minute of pull ups (34 reps)