
  1. 01dragonslayer

    s Being “Fit” Healthy?

    Bodybuilding: Competition or Lifestyle? It’s become quite lucid that many competitive physique athletes (both men and women) are merely in it for the looks and nothing else. These competitions are, after all, about how your body looks and not how it functions. But what does health really mean if...
  2. 01dragonslayer

    My very first piece.....

    .....got this done yesterday..
  3. R2D2

    Equine Medicals

    https://equinemedicals.com anyone ever use these guys?! Looks like they have some stuff my "horse" might be into to improve his "race performance." :)
  4. Thor


    Just my opinion, they need to come up with new names as the true giant killer was Danny Padilla, this man was ahead of the game in my eyes being a short man, lol. Shaun needs more thickness and size to play with the bigger boys IMHO. We know bbing can be and is a game of illusion at times...lean...
  5. Eman

    Snakeman Primo Results

    Snakeman Primo E 200
  6. 01dragonslayer

    Jarring Nature Photos Must be Seen to be Believed

    In 1989, a gigantic wave hit this lighthouse in France. Jean Guichard, a photographer, was able to capture the event on film. The man looks like a tiny dot as compared to the tumultuous wave that seems to topple the lighthouse. Now, we have an immortal reminder of the massive destruction that...
  7. GRIM

    My peps are in!

    Plan to start either tonight or next few days
  8. Wacker


    So finalizing a cycle and thought I would run it by you guys. I took two years off but am on TRT, I take 200mgs test c a week and believe that I may keep the test there. I will be pining EOD weekly totals are: Wks 1-6 Tren A 450mgs Mast P 350mgs EQ 600mgs Test 200-500mgs still thinking...
  9. Eman

    20mg igf-1LR3

    Igf-1LR3 2 kits 20mg 1mg/vial from alibaba $350 with domestic ship. Can’t comment on quality. From the looks I feel pretty good about it.
  10. GRIM

    What do you think?

    Of the new EG format so far?
  11. GRIM

    Please read...

    I upgraded jackedforums to the new version of software EG runs on. It's far from complete but to give you an idea, do you like the upgrade? Jacked Freaks Body building forum
  12. GRIM

    Synthol or not...

    Ive seen this guy, he's local a friend posted the pic. IMO hes using synthol, look at how tiny his forearms are in comparison he's not fat but biceps huge and undefined..
  13. E

    Study looks at criminal element of performance enhancing drug market among bodybuilders

    Study looks at criminal element of performance enhancing drug market among bodybuilders Many bodybuilders illegally sell steroids to help fund their own use of performance and image enhancing drugs and maintain their social status in the weightlifting community, a new academic study has found...
  14. LittleTom

    Batman VS Superman Trailer

    Thought I was gonna hate this because of Ben Affleck but it looks pretty awesome. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fis-9Zqu2Ro
  15. Z

    Jar Jar Binks is really a sith lord!!!

    "Ok...yeah right." That's what I said too. Watch this video and prepare for your mind to be BLOWN!!! http://fansided.com/2015/12/04/jar-jar-binks-sith-lord-explained-video/ 8) 8) 8)
  16. Daredevil

    Bulk cycle plan

    Gents, nearing the end of my cutting cycle. Already dropped NPP & Tren A. Just running 800mG of test C for 3 more weeks along with T3 @ 70mcg a day. Going to do a run of Clen soon for 14 days and see how I react on that without the Tren. Since when I tried it with Tren A I was having rapid...
  17. blasson

    Stopper turned into mush

    Anyone had this happen before? I was going through my stash and seen an amp I have that i never opened.. the top was off so I pulled it out and this is what I got... it's fucking mush and dissolving.. weird shit. I'm going to throw it away but has anyone ever had that happen? Another pic of...
  18. RockShawn


    You gotta see this. This guy is not human. http://www.worldstarhiphop.com/videos/video.php?v=wshh4lUJ3Csc5mlDaGY6
  19. Junky87


    I was getting hammered on at work verbally and we all know I'd you give it you better be able to take it...so this guy didn't like what I had to say...and started messing with me...tried to grab me from behind... My head slammed into the wood wall in the trailer...I still fucked him up and I...
  20. RockShawn


    Damnit I put it on and instantly outgrew it [attachment deleted by admin]