There is a great scene in the film Alice in Wonderland where Alice and Chesire the Cat meet at a fork in the road. Alice says to the Cat, "Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?"
"That depends a good deal on where you want to get to," said the Cat.
"I don't much care...
As fitness enthusiasts and bodybuilders, we're always on the lookout for the most effective ways to maximize our gains. One area that has gained significant attention in recent years is the relationship between repetition ranges and hypertrophy. While many lifters tend to stick with traditional...
Imagine these scenarios: You’re all pumped for leg day and make a beeline to the squat racks, but they are all taken. Or you woke up all geared for deadlifts, but your lower back has different ideas. As a lifter, it’s always handy to have a Plan B when things don’t go as planned. An excellent...
Free weights will always be the best option for most to build strong, muscular legs, but sometimes, your legs need a change of pace. Or you walk into the gym, and all the squat racks are taken. That’s an ideal situation to try a one-piece-of-equipment workout to smoke your legs. Enter this...
by Christian Thibaudeau
This single exercise will make you look more powerful and scary-looking in just a short amount of time. Here’s how to do it.
I’ve devoted my life to building muscle – on myself and on others – for 17 years. And in all those years I’ve only encountered one exercise that...
You’re no stranger to training your hamstrings, but let’s face it—there’s a good chance you’re only hitting half your posterior potential. Your programming already has a good mix of deadlifts, RDLs, and other hip-dominant moves that usually take center stage, but what about the supporting cast...
Andrea Simulus knows how to bring serious stimulus to her abs, without risking her spine health in the process. The super-fit mom of four has an enviable six pack, and is all about sharing the wealth, as she demonstrated in a recent social media post. So, thankfully, here’s a workout that will...
One of the things we notice with age is the tightening of our muscles and the fact that, especially with a sedentary lifestyle, we become less flexible and more likely to develop pain. Harley Pasternak, however, has a great move for loosening up your lower back using this couch stretch, and the...
Rapid drop-catch training is a unique way to help elevate your fitness routine. It’s an effective, yet underutilized method that incorporates exercises that are designed to improve quickness and stability. It not only helps builds strength but also enhances your body’s ability to respond to...
These two routines are not only fat incinerators, they'll also help to build your glutes and quads. Check 'em out.
Rowing Machine
This metabolic conditioning tool can also be one hell of a way to add muscle to the lower body. One of the biggest misconceptions about the rower is that it’s...
This variation of the push-pull workout split works for just about any training goal. Check it out.
I first learned of this split when I was 18 and did Fred Hatfield’s 80-day powerlifting cycle. In that program – specifically designed to peak for a powerlifting competition – you’d train squat...
It's the best training split for a lot of people, but not everyone. Here are the pros and cons.
This upper/lower split allows you to hit everything hard twice per week. There’s a minimal negative carryover from each workout.
“Negative carryover” is when one workout will negatively affect the...
Lower reps or higher reps? It depends on the fiber dominance of the muscle in question. Check out this handy guide.
When it comes to isolation work, not all muscles respond best to the same type of stimulation. Fiber dominance matters.
The hamstrings for instance are notorious for being more...
Fix Your Scapular Movement and Hip Flexion
Constantly injured? Here's why and what to do to lift better and get bigger.
For lifters, the most common injuries arise from poor movement at two key junctions of the body.
For the upper body, it's poor scapular movement while pressing and pulling...
When it comes to lower-body bodyweight exercises, the walking lunge gets all the love. It's a great exercise, no doubt. The only problem? Walking lunges require a fairly large space. Not great for training at home. Forward lunges are an option, but they have a tendency to be a knee-killer for...
Love it or not, squatting is an effective way to build muscle and strength, and it’s a non-negotiable part of any serious workout routine. One squat variation that’s worth your attention is the single leg box squat.
Overall box squat variations are fantastic for many reasons, but the three main...
Fitness experts and even strength coaches normally recommend controlling or even accentuating the eccentric (lowering) phase of every exercise... except the deadlift. Many even recommend dropping the bar at the top, which completely leaves the...
Without optimal insulin sensitivity, much of that protein (and everything else) you eat gets delivered to fat storage rather than muscle, and much of the time that fat happily resides around your waist.
While your instinct might be to adopt a low-carb diet, it doesn't fix the problem. What's...
When most people first pick up a dumbbell, they often gravitate toward losing fat, building muscle, and looking buff—what we might call ‘vanity goals.” And rightfully so, these goals can also contribute to improved health. But, for a moment, let’s set these goals aside and delve into the...
Numerous exercises claim to improve core strength, often dominating social media, each asserting to be the ultimate solution for core gains. While some of these claims may be true, others are not. However, the Ab Rollout, a tried and tested exercise, stands out for its proven effectiveness...