
  1. 01dragonslayer

    Reverse the Lunge, Build Big Hard Legs

    5 Tips To Make Them Your Favorite A few simple tricks make reverse lunges far more effective. Take them from the exercise you avoid to the one you can't pass up. Here's how. The standard lunge is great, but the reverse lunge can do even more. It’s a “complete” exercise that’ll hit the quads...
  2. EG News

    Come with Arnold, If You Want to Live—Through Legday

    Arnold Schwarzenegger reaches thousands of fitness enthusiasts around the world with his motivational Pump Club, and if you think that his teachings might be limited to pumping iron, you’ll be pleased to know that the Terminator star is just as excited about form and function as he is about...
  3. EG News

    March To More Legday Gains With This Challenging Lunge Variation

    When lunges are in your workout program, a sense of dread comes over you. No matter the variation, the lack of stability, the testing of balance, and the raising of the heart rate is NOT something that you look forward to. Lunges are like bad-tasting medicines that make you feel better, and this...
  4. EG News

    Step Into a Side Lunge if You’re Looking for Greater Leg Gains

    Here’s something most of us can agree on: Lunges are awful. No matter the type of lunges you are doing side lunge, reverse lunge, forward lunge. Very few people jump for joy when it’s time to do lunges —even less are able to jump afterward because of the exercise’s brutality. Like downing...
  5. 01dragonslayer

    Barbell Reverse Lunges: The Most Underrated Lift of All-Time?

    When it comes to lower body exercises, which one is the GOAT? Is it the squat? Barbell squats have been used by lifters for generations to build legs that look like tree trunks and perform like a high-performance machine. Is it the deadlift? Conventional deadlifts are not a pure lower body...
  6. J


    Walking or standing lunges. Is one better than to the other, if so why?