
  1. 01dragonslayer

    Machines Vs. Free Weights: More Research Is Needed

    The machines versus free weights debate has literally been going on for decades. Certain key figures that spearheaded this controversy, such as Arthur Jones, didn’t do a good job of representing this debate as his knowledge of sports science was insufficient. He was biased as the inventor of...
  2. 01dragonslayer


    FREE WEIGHTS VS. MACHINES I've become less of a "tribal" thinker over the years. Earlier in my career, I believed that resistance-training machines were inferior to free weights. I'd argue that machines only required you to overcome the resistance, not control it. Put another way, I believed...
  3. GRIM

    More young punks

    So 2 guys next to me benching walk away from their bench, dont strip or wipe it. I see them 15 minutes later and ask them if they are still using it they say 'no' I respond strip it and wipe it. Little fuckers actually listened! lol Whats so hard about picking up after yourself?!
  4. 01dragonslayer

    Are Free Weights or Exercise Machines Better?

    Free weights and machines are both good to use while working out. As is the case with many "this or that" concerns pertaining to fitness, the answer ultimately depends on your current level of fitness and your desired end result. In general, weight machines are an excellent tool for novices...
  5. 01dragonslayer

    Machine Only Workout: 4 Day Workout Split

    So many commercial gyms out there are only investing in machine equipment. If you go to one of these gyms, this might be the perfect workout for you! WORKOUT SUMMARY Main Goal Build Muscle Workout Type Split Training Level Beginner Program Duration6 weeks Days Per Week 4 Time Per Workout30-60...
  6. EG News

    Man and Machine

    QUESTION Several old-school lifters at my gym shun all but the most basic machines in favor of free-weight exercises. What’s your take on machines versus barbells and dumbbells? ANSWER Building maximal muscle mass requires a program that emphasizes free weights, particularly multi-joint...
  7. EG News

    The Argument for Machines

    QUESTION Isn’t my buddy a wimp for using machines sometimes, instead of sticking with free weights? ANSWER Live and learn, as I did. My image is “blood and guts,” hardcore training, with 440-pound reverse-grip barbell rows, crashing iron, free weights only, and me disappearing into a...