
  1. 01dragonslayer

    How to Start Flexible Dieting (IIFYM)

    What Are “Macros” Before we go any further, the first step is to learn the basics. Macros in a nutritional sense, is short for Macronutrients which are Protein, Carbohydrate, and Fat. These are the three nutrients that provide energy in the form of calories. Protein, carbohydrates and fat add...
  2. 01dragonslayer

    The New Rules of Flexible Dieting

    Why Flexible Dieting? “As to methods there may be a million and then some, but principles are few. The man who grasps principles can successfully select his own methods. The man who tries methods, ignoring principles, is sure to have trouble.” – Harrington Emmerson Almost every food has been...
  3. 01dragonslayer

    8 Healthy Reminders If You’re Counting Macros

    by Jenn Sinrich Macro-counting is all about understanding how many of the calories in your diet come from each of the three macronutrients—protein, fat, and carbohydrates. Though tracking macros certainly has its pros and cons, it can teach you a lot about the nutritional value of the foods you...
  4. 01dragonslayer

    The Pros And Cons Of Counting Macros

    by Jacob Wilson, Ph.D., C.S.C.S.*D. Nutrition is an ever-changing field and new approaches come into the limelight all of the time. Just take a quick stroll down your Instagram feed. There’s enough information (and opinions) out there to make your head spin. One of these approaches is counting...
  5. 01dragonslayer

    Did You Know The Source of Your Macros Should Be Prioritized?

    By: Matt Weik It doesn’t matter what diet you’re currently following, the source of your macros needs to be prioritized. The belief that a calorie is a calorie is completely false and misleading. Don’t allow people to feed you incorrect information and tell you that whether you consume 500...
  6. EG News

    Meal Prep Like a Pro with Chef and Trainer Joshua Bailey

    With more than 14 million “meal prep” hashtags on Instagram, you’ve most likely seen your fair share of images featuring rows of food-filled containers, lined up perfectly on the kitchen counter, followed by an abundance of meal prep tips and food prep-related hashtags, and with a swipe of a...
  7. 01dragonslayer

    Brawn On A Budget: 10 Cheap Muscle Building Meals

    Perhaps the only excuse used for not getting in shape as much as the classic “I don’t have time to work out” is the cost of food and supplements and living on a tight budget. The 10 meals below will put an end to that excuse. Each healthy meal details protein, carbs, and fats, plus the cost per...
  8. 01dragonslayer

    The IIFYM & Flexible Dieting Diet Plan Guide

    Without question the single biggest component to the success of any diet, calories are the overarching principle that needs to be addressed when fat loss or muscle gain is a focus. The second major component of a diet aimed at losing fat or gaining muscle is the macro nutrient breakdown of the...
  9. 01dragonslayer

    Essential Guide to Macros

    Macronutrient is a bucket term for the three types of nutrients that make up the bulk of what we eat: carbohydrates, fat and protein. Our bodies require ample amounts of each to function properly. On the other hand, alcohol also provides calories (7 calories per gram), but it’s not considered a...
  10. 01dragonslayer

    Are Calories Better to Track Than Macros?

    If you’re trying to shed pounds, one of many tried-and-true weight-loss tactics is to track your daily intake with a food journal like MyFitnessPal to create a modest calorie deficit. When you eat and drink fewer calories than what you burn through day-to-day activities and exercise, you support...
  11. J


    Anyone here add oils to their food? MCT, avocado oil, grape seed etc. If so how much? Why? And do you adjust other macros when doing so?
  12. krustus

    any here practice IIFYM...flexible dieting?

    i used the principals of IIFYM and flexible dieting and followed less frequent meals for my latest transformation.. it was much more enjoyable than a 6 plus meal of the same few items.. don't get me wrong hit those macros ...i still had to eat a lot of the staples...grilled chicken...
  13. HTFU

    Not getting the results you want? Lacking in a diet plan?

    I couldn't express more that dieting is the most important part of fitness and getting the results you want. Without proper dieting your not going to get results you want, plain and simple. You can juice, lift, and take whatever supplements you want but you won't get far. I want to keep this...
  14. krustus

    nutrittion priority pyramid

    i think this is totally correct... calories are the most important factor and is often over looked...deficit to loose ...surplus to gain... then macro ratio helps maintain muscle... i don't eat "clean" ... don't get me wrong hit cals and macros i can't eat all pizza and ice cream...
  15. F.I.S.T.

    How to Calculate Macros for Cutting

    I know this is common knowledge to all of us veterans of the game,but for all those are not and looking to get better understanding of this,this is a great article to help.Also a great refresher for all of us. How to Calculate Macros for Cutting Posted on: December 29th, 2013 by Mike This...
  16. J

    Macro percentages?

    What determines a persons need of each percentage of protein, fat, and carbs? Is every person different? If you are bulking VS cutting are the percentages different? I would think so. So my question is: How do I find out what percentage of fat, protein, and carbs will I need for a good bulking...
  17. RockShawn

    Let's talk nutrient timing!

    How critical is it to have your macros for a meal all at the same time? Let's say you eat your fist meal and its 8 egg whites and 1 scoop of whey and some fruit and then 1/2hr later you realize you forgot your coconut oil which you take separately. Are your meals completely effed up if you...
  18. B

    Protien bars

    Mywanted to up my macros slightly but not too much fat, so kinda googled a bit and amalgamated a few ideas recipes together. Bars Recepie consist of (UK ingredients) 170g peanut butter,(smooth) 400ml 1%milk, 10g honey, 320grm protein pwd. (My protein impact whey, unflavored) 90g raisins...