
  1. 01dragonslayer

    Medical and Non Medical Steroid Uses

    Steroids - Medical and Non-Medical Uses Explained Since the synthesis of the hormone testosterone in the 1930s, steroids have been put into use by physicians for a great many purposes and have achieved varying degrees of success in each of these cases. Stimulation of the Bone Marrow For many...
  2. 01dragonslayer

    Breaking The Female Myth: "If I Lift Heavy I’ll Look Like A Man"

    You hear it time and again from females in and out of the gym, when it is suggested to them that they either: a) Lift weights, or... b) Increase the weight that they are lifting. “I don’t want to do that, because I don’t want to look like a man.” Many people, males included, have come to...
  3. R2D2

    Got my bloodwork back

    CARDIAC RISK(chol,trig,hdl,ldl) NAME VALUE REFERENCE RANGE F CHOL 161 0-199 (mg/dL) - >18 years old F TRIGS 48 0-149 (mg/dL) F HDL 45 >39 (mg/dL) - Effective June 8, 2020, the reference range has changed. Previously 35-75 mg/dl F CHOL/HDL Ratio 4 (RATIO) F...
  4. 01dragonslayer

    Why is it important to run an AI when on cycle?

    I've seen the theory that you do NOT need to use an AI on cycle for a while now. From newbies having read various profiles, from senior members in our community. My opinion is that this is based on poor logic and understanding. Here's why... Its well known (atleast I think it is) that estrogen...
  5. F.I.S.T.

    Are men's lives ruled by testosterone?

    Thought this was an intresting read.Nice to see an article or report not with the typical gov't/media agenda on AAS. Are men's lives ruled by testosterone? By Chris Moss 8:19AM BST 29 Jun 2015 Does testosterone make men brave, aggressive, reckless or attractive? Chris Moss talks to a...