
  1. 01dragonslayer

    Medical Marijuana and Bodybuilding

    The vast majority of bodybuilders understand that muscle is not make in the gym, but during times of rest. I have read time and time again about those of us that train and are suffering with insomnia and not being able to get enough of quality sleep. We as a group suffer from numerous problems...
  2. EG News

    New research links marijuana use to a healthier weight

    [Unable to locally host - Direct Link 4 Security]: Nastasic / Getty Compared to alcohol, which packs 7 calories...
  3. EG News

    Does cbd oil actually work?

    Claudia Weingart / EyeEm / Getty There is plenty of press around the benefits of CBD, but for every positive news clip, there’s a doubter ready to throw cold water on this so-called miracle oil. So what’s the truth? Well, it’s a bit more complex than it seems, so we decided to put CBD on trial...
  4. F.I.S.T.

    3-Year-Old Given 8% Chance to Live Overcomes Cancer with Cannabis

    3-Year-Old Given 8% Chance to Live Overcomes Cancer with Cannabis by Christina Sarich Posted on November 18, 2015 One of many cannabis-healing occurrences. Landon Riddle of Colorado is only 3 years old, but he is the center of a hotly contested debate regarding medical marijuana. He was...
  5. F.I.S.T.

    New Jersey School First in Nation to Allow Medical Marijuana

    New Jersey School First in Nation to Allow Medical Marijuana by Christina Sarich Posted on November 15, 2015 A school nurse at one school in Vermont has refused to give a young girl CBD oil (even though it isn’t made from cannabis, but rather hemp) for her recurring seizures, but not everyone...
  6. F.I.S.T.

    Vets Seek Medical Pot Legalization on Veterans Day

    Vets Seek Medical Pot Legalization on Veterans Day by Julie Fidler Posted on November 13, 2015 “Pot Over Pills” protestors filled the streets. Advocates and veterans used Veterans Day as an opportunity to bring awareness to the physical and psychological suffering of vets and how medical...
  7. F.I.S.T.

    Marijuana may be ‘More Effective than Adderall at Treating ADHD’

    Marijuana may be ‘More Effective than Adderall at Treating ADHD’ by Julie Fidler Posted on November 4, 2015 While Treating numerous other ailments. Researchers in Germany say marijuana may treat attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) better than the popular drug Adderall...
  8. F.I.S.T.

    Court Ruling to Halt DEA from Harassing Medical Marijuana Shops

    Court Ruling to Halt DEA from Harassing Medical Marijuana Shops by Christina Sarich Posted on October 28, 2015 A 'promise' Obama made years ago. In a huge legal win, a federal judge in San Francisco has issued a landmark ruling that could serve to halt the DEA’s overly liberal...
  9. F.I.S.T.

    Ronda Rousey: 'There's no reason that we should be tested for weed'

    Ronda Rousey: 'There's no reason that we should be tested for weed' By Ryan McKinnell September 16, 2015 7:54 PM Cagewriter UFC fighter Nick Diaz received a five-year suspension from the Nevada Athletic Commission on Tuesday. The half-decade exile came on the heels of a failed drug test for...
  10. F.I.S.T.

    Marijuana Kills Cancer Cells, Admits the U.S. National Cancer Institute

    Marijuana Kills Cancer Cells, Admits the U.S. National Cancer Institute by Barbara Minton Posted on August 26, 2015 Why is it still 'a drug with no medicinal purpose?' National legalization of marijuana may be drawing a smidgeon closer. The National Cancer Institute (NCI), one of the...
  11. F.I.S.T.

    Federal Govt Admits Marijuana Kills Brain Tumors, But You Still Can’t Have It

    Federal Govt Admits Marijuana Kills Brain Tumors, But You Still Can’t Have It by Anthony Gucciardi Posted on April 7, 2015 Safer than big pharma drugs. The federal government admits in newly funded research that compounds found in marijuana have an unprecedented ability to go in and kill...
  12. Akhusker

    Colorado first for legal marijuana