
  1. J

    Cycle Opinion

    A buddy of mine is running a combo I’ve never tried. Wanted some opinions. He has used a decent amount of gear over the years and his diet is really good and trains hard. Even does cardio regularly ha. He doing Test, Deca and Mast E. It’s a 15, possible 20 week cycle. All the extras on hand...
  2. puff88

    Couple Questioms on Dose Frequency

    For those that run Test E or C either on cycle or for TRT, anyone actually dose 1 shot per week (every 7 days)? Is there any real physical or mental downside to this? Anyone ever notice really shitty bloodwork around day 6 or 7 right before the next shot? Can you get away with pinning Mast P...
  3. GRIM

    What you currently running?

    250 sust, 200 tren e, 100 npp, 50 inject sd eod here myself oh and dbol kick off
  4. lith56bigguy

    So what is everyone planning on running for the summer, and what are your specific goals

    Im waiting to see whats going to happen with my back. I missed an appointment with my surgeon due to work and now am waiting on a cancellation to squeeze in. Im hoping we can put this surgery off till the fall. If so I will hop in on a nice test/tren/ mast cycle along with a high protein...
  5. Boston597

    PCT shop

    Ok PCT!! I love this guy, he's always been good to me but I've got to post this because its only rite. ***MAST E**** NEEDS TO BE REMOVED FROM LIST I say this because on my other board MESO RX we tested it and it needs to be dropped like it was over there.because its NOT MAST E.I CHECKED B4 I RAN...
  6. D

    mast and gyno

    anyone here who gets gyno do you like using mast with your cycle and a ai i heard it helps out alot and erik gear has said that to cause i wanna start back on a cycle soon and ima use 25 mg aro and 400 mgs of mast with whatever i take
  7. Z82

    Anybody ever get bad pip from mast?

    Tried out some mast prop a few months back with crippling pip. I stopped using it thinking it might have been the brand and the carrier used. So now I'm trying out some mast e from a source on eg and its not quite as bad but bad enough to make me stop using it. It makes a large knot for about...