
  1. 01dragonslayer


    11 MINUTES AND 36 SECONDS According to a survey conducted by a dating app, that's how long you have to make a good impression on a first date... or a first "I swiped right on you and now I'm deciding whether or not to bang you" encounter. (Dating is weird these days.) Psychologists say that...
  2. 01dragonslayer

    Tip: Get Mom and Dad To Eat More of This

    Maybe you've got a grandparent or two that you care about, or some parents that are getting close to being grandparents themselves. You might have seen how they faced war, economic instability, and personal hardships, but none of it came close to defeating them. No, it wasn't until old age and...
  3. rboy101

    Couple questions .

    What’s up fellas. Got a few questions to see if any of y’all had some insight with dealing with acne randomly. And also a pct you’d recommend for what I’ve been doing . First things first, I’m 30 years old, and been cycling with test etc since I was about 17-18 years old. Not the wisest...
  4. 01dragonslayer

    How to Help Your Partner Eat Healthier

    According to studies, marriage brings not only a happy life but also extra weight. The first five years of marriage are especially tough, as both spouses may gain up to 30 pounds. So it’s not surprising why some people wonder how to motivate their loved ones to start watching what they eat...
  5. puff88

    Breaks Between Orals

    For those of you on TRT who like to throw in an pral here and there, how long of time off do you take in between befpre switching to a different one? I see some guys like to stay on proviron or even anavar longer term, some pretty much bounce from one oral to the next, and others dont touch...
  6. 01dragonslayer

    Go Full-Power Beast Mode

    1. Write Down Specific Goals For The Year Nobody progresses in their workouts without goal setting, but having a vague goal like "I want to look jacked" leads to zero results. The key to goal setting is to be specific. Do you want to gain 10 pounds of lean muscle mass? Add an inch to your arms...
  7. 01dragonslayer

    10 Ways to Make Fitness and Nutrition a Priority

    If you feel stuck in a rut and have no idea how to get back on track with your fitness and nutrition goals, you’re not alone. I totally get you, and I know it’s a hard spot to be in when you desperately want change. Rationally, you know you need to get back on track, but it feels too...
  8. puff88


    I know the "right" answer is clearly, you shouldn't drink at all. However, in reality how bad is it really to drink alcohol when running an oral like anavar or winstrol? Assume it is a mild dose (around 25mg per day) and only being run alongside test. Drinking maybe 1-2 nights per week. How much...
  9. Inhuman2024


    My hemocratit has crept up to 54% since ive decided to stay on trt i need to give blood. My problem is they have no theuraputic sites in my state. I cant give blood cause i have hep c antibodies. Any sugg. Im not big on doing it myself.
  10. Torres

    Gear Break !!!

    I’ve been on a good run for a while now and figure that since it’s not FULL TIME summer yet, I’d take maybe 4 weeks off the gear to start . After the 4 weeks , I was thinking of doing another 4 weeks, I’ll see on how I feel after the 1st month. But this way I’ll clean out , reset receptors , and...
  11. Eman

    Test Mastery Pharma

    Mastery Pharma Turinabol 25mg "T-Bol"
  12. EG News

    Crank up your workout motivation

    CHRIS LUND It’s not enough to merely psych yourself up. There are proven techniques for cranking your workout motivation up to 11. From months in advance to when you set the barbell down, we present the 30 best steps to boost your drive to grow stronger, bigger, and better. 1. SEE A SHOW From...
  13. rboy101

    just got...

    my protonmail email account! and i only had to wait like 2 in a half weeks ;]
  14. Dago

    Question on low dose cycles

    I read through some of you guys posts cycles mgs of gear used etc...we all respond different to gear. Friend of mine right now using 50mg dbol 100mg adrol 1000mg test. I have never used that much gear not even close. I know age and other things can make a difference in how we all respond. I got...
  15. RockShawn

    Why does this happen?

    Has anyone experienced this? You draw from two diff vials each containing a diff compound and maybe even from diff vendors and the pin hurts like hell, but when you pin the exact same vials separate there is no pip. One product in particular I just had trouble with is a blend and has EO in it...
  16. B

    Cut stack plus additional tren

    Im going to be using a cut stack that is 100/75/75. I want to try a run with more tren than test. I've read a lot about tren sides diminishing with ed injections instead of eod. I haven't ran tren in a couple years and it was 100mg eod. If I add more tren to this stack so I can pin...
  17. N.O.V.

    Exhausted mid workout

    Seems that the last few weeks, by the time in finished with my main movement of the day I'm about to crash out. I start yawning and getting groggy before I even start my accessory movements. Any thoughts? Anyone else experiencing this? I drink tons of water and eat whole food meals before my...
  18. mig139

    Dont sell steroids...but give me part of your profit!
  19. Torres

    Test E or Test C ???

    Alright bros serious question. I've always been a Test E man, love the strength, aggression, and how versitile it is. As you all know I love to bulk, and in meeting up with one of my old friends yesterday he swore on the better effects of Test C compared to E. I did some reading on both , AGAIN...
  20. B

    possible hypoglycemia? help

    hey guys I've been having occasional "spells" of being shaky, weak, clammy, anxious... the best i can guess is maybe hypoglycemic episode? what could be causing this? what can i do about it? I'm currently 6' 240lbs 13.8%bf I'm currently on: 525mg test p/ week 80mg anavar/day 1mg adex/day CEC...