
  1. 01dragonslayer

    ACTN3 – The Muscle Gene

    by Christian Thibaudeau Here's what you need to know about this tricky gene and its variants. The ACTN3 gene is in large part responsible for the type of muscle tissue that you have. Not only the muscle fiber dominance, but also the various qualities of the tissue itself – how well it handles...
  2. 01dragonslayer

    The 16:8 Fasting Diet

    GET LEAN, REVEAL YOUR GAINS Stick with this fitness thing long enough and you'll notice that everything gets recycled. Exercise and diet trends come and go... then come back around again later. It's a lot like fashion. One dietary approach that's found a resurgence in the last few years is...
  3. 01dragonslayer

    365 Day Challenge: Be the Best YOU Can Be

    In the fitness game, the most common goals by far are to lose body fat or to "get in shape." The problem is these goals, and others like them, are rarely met or even seriously chased. Every January people flood commercial gyms like moths going toward the light. When a few weeks pass and that...
  4. 01dragonslayer

    4 Misleading Hunger Signals You Need to Avoid

    Nobody runs well on a gas tank that’s constantly near empty, which is why getting in touch with our individual hunger signals and honoring them with nourishing, energizing food is an important skill. While it sounds easy enough, often what we assume is hunger isn’t at all. Sometimes when we...
  5. 01dragonslayer

    6 Weight-Loss Tips Dietitians Warn Against

    It can be hard to sift through weight-loss advice and the latest trends to find a healthy eating plan that is enjoyable and will work for life. In fact, even RDs hear tips they find misguided and unsustainable. Here, several nutrition experts discuss six common pieces of advice they believe do...
  6. EG News

    Top 5 Injury Prevention Tips for Outdoor Training

    See you later, spring fever! Warm weather and longer days are finally here, which means we are entering into the long-awaited season of outdoor activities and fitness training but on the flip side this also means a greater potential for getting injured. Now, before you spring into your favorite...
  7. F.I.S.T.

    Comradeship is Formed in Battle

    Comradeship is Formed in Battle April 26, 2014 By John Doe I think a lot of guys have a distraught view on what comradeship really means. By definition the word COMRADESHIP means to form a bond or friendship under common aims. This does not mean that someone who only calls you because they...