
  1. 01dragonslayer

    Measure Backward, Not Forward

    Measure Backward, Not Forward written by JAMES CLEAR CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT SELF-IMPROVEMENT STRENGTH TRAINING We often measure progress by looking forward. We set goals. We plan milestones for our progress. Basically, we try to predict the future to some degree. We do this in business, in...
  2. 01dragonslayer

    5 Motivating Ways to Measure Weight-Loss Success

    When you’re trying to lose weight, an obvious measure of success is seeing the number on the scale drop. But weigh-ins can also frustrate or intimidate some people, and may not be the best method for everyone. “Your weight naturally fluctuates throughout the day, so that can be a poor measure...
  3. 01dragonslayer

    5 Motivating Ways to Measure Weight-Loss Success

    When you’re trying to lose weight, an obvious measure of success is seeing the number on the scale drop. But weigh-ins can also frustrate or intimidate some people, and may not be the best method for everyone. “Your weight naturally fluctuates throughout the day, so that can be a poor measure...
  4. flyingfox

    How big are your arms?

    Just curios as to how big your guns measure. I'm a tall guy so putting meat on my arms helps my over all appearance. Pre TRT I believe I was in the 17-17 1/2 range. Today's measurement(cold) 18 1/2 right and 18 1/4 left Please be honest LOL!