
  1. 01dragonslayer

    Could Your Medications be Causing Weight Gain?

    After Alyssa Meyer came out of treatment for breast cancer, she was grateful to be in remission, but the hormone-balancing pill she was prescribed had an unpleasant side effect: significant weight gain. In trying to deal with the issue, she amped up her focus on exercise and diet, eventually...
  2. Thor

    5 benefits of using T3 Medication

    January 30, 2021March 31, 2017 by Dr. Westin Childs Many patients on levothyroxine or Synthroid stand to benefit by simply adding a small amount of T3 medication to their regimen. T3 is metabolized in the body in a different way than...
  3. E

    Pre-procedure medication regimen could lower incidence of hospital readmission in lung caner patient

    Pre-procedure medication regimen could lower incidence of hospital readmission in lung caner patients Researchers at the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine have found that putting liver cancer patients on a medication regimen prior to undergoing a certain treatment could lead to...
  4. F.I.S.T.

    The Real Zombie Apocalypse

    The Real Zombie Apocalypse November 13th, 2015, by James White As a boy, I remember being scared half out of my wits when I watched the George A. Romero classic,” Night of the Living Dead.” To recap, some strange phenomenon occurred and the dead rose from their graves and began killing and...
  5. E

    Common steroid medication does not reduce risk of long-term pain after heart surgery

    Common steroid medication does not reduce risk of long-term pain after heart surgery A common steroid medication does not ease long-term pain at the incision site made during open-heart surgery, according to results of a large multicenter randomized controlled trial being presented at the...
  6. F.I.S.T.

    7 Reasons Your Thyroid Medication Isn’t Working

    7 Reasons Your Thyroid Medication Isn’t Working Posted on: Monday, September 21st 2015 Written By: Jen Wittman While there is no "magic pill" for thyroid disease, some factors may influence the effectiveness of your thyroid medication. When you are first diagnosed with a thyroid condition...
  7. sportsfreak

    Mexican AAS

    What's the chances of getting some goods out of Mexico during a cruise I have planned? I have some friends that have brought back other prescription meds without any issues when coming back in. I also have a script for test and didn't know if it was possible to stock up there and bring it back...