
  1. EG News

    Travis Claytor Shares Why the Wounded Warrior Games Are Far More Than a Competition

    Active members and veterans of the United States Armed Forces are willing to pay whatever cost, including the ultimate one, in defense of their country and the people that live in it. Unfortunately, this means that many of them suffer injuries or setbacks that could potentially alter the course...
  2. EG News

    The New Normal for Gyms and Fitness Centers

    A few months back, I had a long talk with a close buddy about how I planned for every obstacle in business—except for the one we were facing. We were talking over video chat, of course, because it was during the lockdown. He’s a small business owner, like me, and he understood my frustration...
  3. M

    Somastim for 2 days domestic delivery !

    As many of the members here know the Somastim is one of the most renowned and tested GH in the market. It's unique as it's western made adhering to real USP standards and have been tested few times on major forums as well as on Simec Swiss by an independent party. We'll offer it from the 12 of...
  4. Chicken_hawk

    So, uh don’t open a gym...

    What’s up brothers and sisters? I know I ain’t been around much but the new gym was sucking the life out of me. I was contracting all day then I’d head to the gym and train then close at 9:00. It was too much when combined with losing money every month. I’m not looking for sympathy as it will...
  5. M

    Viagra and cialis as peds

    I assume that some members here are aware to the potential ergogenic effects of Viagra and Cialis, this scientific article offers some insight to this subject - This article shows the benefits of these products for muscle function and...
  6. GRIM

    Great to see

    new members. keep on inviting solid bros and women 2 not all needs to be sausage here :p
  7. Welcome Bro

    Welcome, dallas rogan

    Hi Dallas Rogan, Welcome to Enhance Genetics.
  8. Paulrockr


    Is it me or is this automatically generated? I haven't seen an official introduction in idk how long. Hard to welcome if they don't introduce themselves, am I crazy or just not accustomed to the change Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. TSizemore

    Excited to see....

    The number of new members lately! Now, let's see all of you new members posting up and sharing your knowledge and experiences. Same for the rest of us existing members....let's start with the posting! With all the accumulated knowledge, (and mistakes, lol) we got plenty to share.
  10. T-bar

    It's all about the members

    Some of you know I recently ran into an issue measuring out the correct dosage of Melanotan. Rather than ordering the usual 1cc insulin pins I somehow clicked on the 3/10cc pins. Totally my fault. What a great reminder this was for me. Members from this board immediately jumped in to help...
  11. LittleTom

    Pristyn MY Take

    This is not meant to start a fight but I feel like I should respond. My name has been thrown around lately (only by Admin) as having known that the previous vendor known as Pristyn was going to rip people off. I was a rep for Pristyn and yes, I talked to him all the time and was very excited to...
  12. LittleTom


    I owe the board more then the way I left and let me emotions get the better of my intellect. I said things I should not. Even though it comes from a place of passion it was not right and I do not feel good about it. Grim is right in one aspect, I have not been a productive member and I have...
  13. Daredevil


    Last two days this board has went from a family oriented brotherhood to a free for all shit talking match. Seriously the foolishness needs to stop. Back and forth name calling, ranting, members disrespecting other members and mods. I just checked another board where TMM isn't even a vendor...
  14. TSizemore

    Enhance Genetics Inspiration

    Okay peeps.... We need inspiration from ALL you members out there. Yes, especially all you members that log on, and never make a single post! This forum exists for our benefit, for our health, and for our safety. If you don't add to, contribute to it, or participate in it (other to just find a...
  15. Dago

    Idk how you guys feel about this

    I have a gym bag full of gear that I wouldn't have if not for being on this board I've hustled up trading stuff around to you guys. I don't have a lot of cash but I can donate some of this stuff if the rest of you guys have a jug or 2 of whatever to throw in with it we can auction it off or...
  16. LittleTom

    New Members

    I know it's not required of new members to put up an intro but it sure would be nice to know who some of these people are. MOST importantly who invited them. Only reason I bring this up is because this is a closed forum. So please, if you invite someone here it would be nice if you encouraged...
  17. J

    New members

    Hello my fellow fuck heads . Theres one thing I wanted to bring up and address. Couple times I've invited people here and I've gotten pms from them asking whats up . Members here decide on there own they'll take matters into their own hands and start asking questions. Who gave you the...
  18. J

    Bringing solid members

    Grim just recently put up a thread asking to bring solid members here. I am all for that, as I know this helps out a lot when it comes to vendors coming in the door. (They want to deal with solid people) This thread is to remind people that if you are bringing in members, PLEASE make sure they...
  19. RockShawn


    This is crazy, Planet Fitness has take the gymtimidation to a whole new level. I smell frivolous law suit soon.
  20. MattyIce

    Special Thanks to..

    EG members Hard at it, Wacker and TSizemore for helping a brother out. Youse guys didn't have to go out of your way to help me, but ya did and that speaks volumes to the Bro's you are... thank you. Bluedge... has offered to donate a lot of essential newborn baby stuff to me and expecting mom (...