
  1. 01dragonslayer

    Anabolic Steroids Vs Prohormones

    First I will start with my own disclaimer. If you are going to use steroids be safe and I am not a medical doctor so please do not take this article as advice. My own personal opinion is that steroids can be used safely for bodybuilding but it also can be dangerous so be careful if you do it! I...
  2. rboy101

    experience with methylstenbolone?

    any of you have any experience with this pro? my buddy has 2 bottles of tri methyl extreme laying around and was gonna give me both for like 25 bucks lol. includes methylsten at 7.5 mg, max lmg at 15 mg and epistane at 15 mg. been pondering the thought of using this as a kickstart for my...
  3. O

    got 4 bottles of methyl tren inject 3mg/ml

    how do you run this once a day ot more and how much and how long hard to find info on it fellas?
  4. R2D2

    Mithras Nanoparticles

    any of you guys planning on trying this? got a bottle in the mail today, complete surprise. :)
  5. Z82

    Trestolone (Ment) ????

    Who here has experience with this drug? What are the goods and the bads? Where can one find a reliable source for this? I'm hearing that this has tren like properties with out the sides of tren when ran at a correct dose. I'm not going to run this but might possibly be a good substitute to...
  6. jbryand101b

    Ask jbry about ph/ds thread..

    Decided to create this thread in hopes of it cleaning up the profiles thread. I have a lot of experience with designer steroids, & pro hormones, it's what got me into this online thing, and what makes me money, as a number of companies have sought my info of personal experience combined with...
  7. jbryand101b

    Designer steroid profiles
