
  1. 01dragonslayer

    Mineral Mining for a Better Body

    When it comes to forging a lean muscular body, total calories, protein, carbohydrates, and fats get the most the attention. It's for good reason, too, since trying to sculpt a noteworthy physique for beach season without being mindful of what you stuff in your gullet is a surefire way to get...
  2. 01dragonslayer

    Multivitamins: Worthwhile or a Waste of Money?

    Vitamins and minerals are key micronutrients required by the body to allow for optimal health and longevity. Moreover, as we age, our needs of these vital micronutrients increases. Thus, it’s no surprise that multivitamin and multimineral supplements are the most popular choice for consumers...
  3. 01dragonslayer

    Mineral Nutrition

    It is clinically acknowledged that many modern diseases can be traced back to essential mineral imbalances, exorbitant levels of some, and deficiencies in others.1,2 Among such health complications, lacking proper mineral intake can damage DNA, hinder growth/maturation, as well as impede...
  4. 01dragonslayer

    Supplements For CrossFit®: What To Use For Maximum Workout Performance

    It’s hard to find someone who hasn’t heard of the CrossFit® phenomenon. Any conversation about fitness, competition or general training isn’t without a mention of this highly popular, nationally recognized mode of exercise. And it is of no surprise – CrossFit® is comprised of numerous styles...