
  1. 01dragonslayer

    The 3 Most Common Training Mistakes Are you making one of them?

    You're going to make mistakes. There isn't a lifter on the planet who hasn't. You'll make mistakes with your form, your programming, and even your outlook. The key to getting better is to learn from your mistakes. Better yet, learn from those who have screwed up before you, so you don't have to...
  2. EG News

    3 Mistakes Lifters Make When Trying to Increase Arm Size

    You are probably not learning or progressing if you’re not making mistakes. When you make mistakes, then you know better and then do better. If you make the same mistake twice, you will learn better the third time. In the weight room, when striving for progress, mistakes are going to be made...
  3. EG News

    Fix Your Farmer’s Carry By Eliminating These 3 Common Mistakes

    The farmer’s carry seems simple, at least watching someone else do it, but when you pick up a heavyweight and start walking, you quickly realize how hard it is. Your shoulders ache, your grip starts slipping, and you begin to realize that you maybe making, what be one of many, farmer carry...
  4. EG News

    Get the Most Out of Lateral Raises By Eliminating These 4 Mistakes

    Some lifters write off exercises as ineffective because they don’t see the benefits or could be doing them better. Lateral raises fall into both categories because let’s be honest they maybe performing lateral raise mistakes. You all know that to get popping delts and bolder shoulders, a heavy...
  5. EG News

    Lock In Your Romanian Deadlift By Fixing These 4 Mistakes

    Have you ever wondered why they call it the Romanian deadlift? It looks similar to the straight-leg deadlift but with a better name. Well, here’s why. It’s called the Romanian deadlift, or RDL for short, because it’s named after the Romanian weightlifter Nicu Vlad, an Olympic medalist in the...
  6. EG News

    Fix These 4 Leg Press Mistakes to Continue Making More Legday Gains

    There is a lot of love and hate that surrounds the leg press. Some think it’s not very functional because you’re sitting on your butt and pressing, which resembles nothing done outside the gym. Other lifters swear by it as it allows them to lift heavy weights and build muscle without the...
  7. EG News

    The Back Extension Works Best when You Stop Making These 4 Mistakes

    There’s a movement term that Tim Anderson of Original Strength came up with: good, better, and best. Even when a movement is performed poorly, it is still “good” because all movement beats sitting on the couch. But the amount of times I’ve seen lifters make back extension mistakes throughout the...
  8. EG News

    Maximize Your Inverted Row Gains by Fixing These 4 Mistakes

    The inverted row isn’t a complicated move but there are still plenty of room to make inverted row mistakes. It is easily progressed and regressed depending on the lifter’s experience. That and being an excellent movement for the forearms, biceps, upper back, and lats is why it should be in...
  9. EG News

    Flye to Greater Gains By Eliminating These 4 Dumbbell Chest Flye Mistakes

    The bench press and its variations still remain the go-to exercises to build size and strength in the chest. But don’t discount the dumbbell chest flye and all its pec-pumping versions. The beauty of this exercise is that it takes much the triceps out of the move so you can focus on the chest...
  10. EG News

    These 4 Mistakes May Be Halting Your Back Gains When It Comes to Rows

    If you’ve been around the lifting game for a while, you have heard the term, “you need to row to grow.” Rowing, whether a vertical or horizontal pull, helps build a thick upper back, giving you that much-desired wingspan. But vanity is not all the back is good for because a strong and muscular...
  11. 01dragonslayer

    Hamstring Training: Common Mistakes and How to Fix Them

    It's time to stop neglecting your hamstrings. Check out this article for common hamstring training mistakes, how to fix them, and a hamstring workout! Quick. Give me the first three thoughts that go through your head when I say the words “leg day”. Those words likely have something to do with...
  12. 01dragonslayer

    Top 10 Bonehead Workout Mistakes

    “Common workout mistakes” has always been a very popular topic in fitness publications. But no matter how many times this subject is re-hashed, you almost always hear about the same half a dozen or so mistakes, including poor form, overtraining, going too heavy, not stretching, not warming up...
  13. EG News

    If Progress Is Stalling, These Strength-Training Mistakes May Need Overhauling

    Mistakes are a part of life — it’s how you learn. Keep on making the same mistake over and over, however, is something to take notice of and make a priority to fix whatever your setback may be. You’re better than that, and when you know more and know better, better things start to happen —...
  14. EG News

    10 Common Squat Mistakes to Avoid

    If you want to see great results in the gym, build more muscle and get ripped, the squat is a non-negotiable. A heavy barbell squat hammers almost every muscle in your body while stimulating a lot of growth and a massive hormonal response—over time, including squats in your workout will help you...