
  1. 01dragonslayer

    Compound Handling and Mixing......for Newbs.

    Compound Handling and Mixing How Do I Mix And Run My HCG? Mixing 2ml bac water with 5000iu hCG will provide 250iu for every tenth of a ml/cc. This will provide you 20 250iu hCG doses. Generally hCG will come with a vial of lyophilized powder and an ampule of either sodium chloride solution or...
  2. Dago

    Mixing orals

    Obviously mixing orals 17aa steroids isn't a great idea due to liver kidneys etc...my question is this. Mixing dbol that brings on a lot of water retention or anadrol for that matter with say winny or tbol I've read guys doing this. This combo I don't understand as one is a dry cutting steroid...