
  1. kingofthenorth907

    Raffle winnings TD

    I won the Feb raffle (third place) and ordered some LGD-4033. Pack arrived today. Took me while to contact them (my fault, not theirs). Pack shipped the 26th (the day they said it would) and it arrived today. I’d post a pic but it’s only one item so it won’t be super thrilling haha. Can’t wait...
  2. Iron-Game

    We could all use a little more hgh

    MK 677, also known as Ibutamoren, is a synthetic Growth Hormone secretagogue. *GH is*released by the Pituitary Gland. Which triggers the release of (iGF-1) As we age GH begins to decline. By increasing our GH we can expect Increase Muscle Growth Decrease Body Fat Improve Cognitive...
  3. pureraws

    Good quality sarms powder

    MK-677/Nutrobal MK-2866/Ostarine GW 501516/Cardarine RAD 140/Testolone LGD-4033/Ligandrol YK11 SR9009 Andarine (S-4) Aicar S23 LGD 3303 wickr: gearoids