
  1. 01dragonslayer

    The Raw And The Cooked

    As a general rule, the closer you can eat something in it’s natural form, the healthier it is for you. That is definitely true when you compare a grilled chicken breast to a McNugget. The exception might be fruits and vegetables. An Australian study, published in the International Journal Of...
  2. 01dragonslayer

    Beyond the 10,000 Steps Hype

    By Aadam | Last Updated: September 17th, 2023 In a world filled with fitness trackers and step-counting apps, the magic number of 10,000 steps per day is firmly lodged in all our psyches. But you probably don’t need to dedicate your life to walking to live a longer, healthier life. I’ve...
  3. 01dragonslayer

    Why You Probably Shouldn't Worry About Eating Organic

    The Truth About Pesticides and Mortality Eating a lot of fruits and vegetables lowers all-cause mortality. People who consume a wide variety of them are far less likely to suffer from various chronic diseases. And science figured this out long before organic produce was being mass consumed...
  4. 01dragonslayer

    Designing a blood test that can predict lifespan

    Designing a blood test that can predict lifespan The ability to predict how long someone is likely to live would help doctors tailor treatment plans. A new study looking at biomarkers in the blood concludes that more accurately estimating mortality might soon be possible. Researchers analyze...
  5. EG News

    Low-Carb or Low-Fat? Study Says It's Actually Quality Over Quantity

    bitt24 Trend diets have often pointed to carbs or fat as the main culprits of America’s ever-growing obesity epidemic. Atkins and keto followers will tell you to cut back on carbs and focus on fats to unlock the key to rapid weight loss. Then there are those who claim you need to cut the fat of...